If you have problems sleeping and it affects your mental, physical and emotional condition, then it is possible you are suffering from Sleep Disorders.
Chronic sleep disorder characterized by sudden onset of sleep and wasting drowsiness during the day.
People who suffer from narcolepsy find it very difficult to stay awake for a long time. Narcolepsy is often confused with depression,
What are the signs and symptoms of narcolepsy?
• Excessive daytime sleepiness
One of the main features of narcolepsy is uncontrolled sleep during the day with huge drowsiness. People who suffer from narcolepsy fall asleep without warning, anywhere and anytime.
• abrupt loss of muscle tone
This condition, is known as cataplexy, and can cause many physical changes even the delay of speech due to a common weakness in many muscles. It lasts for several seconds to several minutes. Cataplexy is an uncontrollable condition often caused by high emotions, usually positive, excitement and laughter, although sometimes a surprise like fear and anger. About 70% of people who suffer from narcolepsy, Also have cataplexy.
• sleep paralysis
Often people suffering from narcolepsy experience a temporary inability to speak or move while falling asleep or walking. These are frightening times, and last only a few seconds to several minutes.
Sleeping paralysis mimics the type of temporary paralysis like during the period of sleep during which we are dreaming. Not everyone who suffers from sleep paralysis has narcolepsy.
• Hallucinations
When a man has narcolepsy hallucinations may occur. This occurs when a person with narcolepsy falls asleep, but if one was half-awake while dreaming, thinking that his dream is happening in reality.
• trouble sleeping at night
• Unintentional conduct from time to time.
These signs and symptoms associated with narcolepsy usually develop between 10 and 25 years old, but the condition can start before the age of 10 years old and over 30. Narcolepsy rarely occurs after 40 years of age.
What is the treatment of narcolepsy?

There is no cure for narcolepsy, but there are certain changes in lifestyle and medications that can help you deal with the symptoms.
Stimulants and antidepressants are some of the medicines that are used to cope with narcolepsy. It is advisable to consult a doctor if you have other health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
What changes might you make in your lifestyle?
• Compliance with sleep mode, sleep and getting to sleep is always at the same time, including during the weekends.
• nap at regular intervals would also work as it is refreshing and can help you stay awake for several hours.
• Avoid alcohol and nicotine, the use of these substances can worsen the signs and symptoms associated with narcolepsy.
• Regular physical exercise, this will help you feel more energetic during the day and also sleep better at night.