One third of our lives is spent in deep sleep. For more than a century medics are trying to unravel the state of mind during this time. However, are still failing to provide an answer to this fascinating mystery.
Do people know why they need to sleep? , how we sleep? , how sleep stages is in our dreams? , what are the violations of the normal sleep? , are there rules about sleep? , is sleep necessary for us? One thing is clear, we all sleep. And why do we do it? For a long time there has been many different views about the nature of sleep however, virtually all of them were based on guesswork. Even with the current level of medicine, scientists still have not succeeded to pass the limits of the hypothesis. Why we sleep? No one can fully answer this question.
This mysterious condition in which we carry out nearly a third of their lives, can not attract the interest and do not cause researchers to try to understand its causes and reasons. It has taken 25 centuries only to document the history of the study of sleep. At present the information achieved is that even in the VI century BC there are explanations about the nature of sleep.
When you can not find a comprehensive explanation it is made up of many assumptions and interpretations. Many of them related to the problem of sleep occurred in antiquity. Many have tried to explain why people sleep and what causes this and what is the mechanism of sleep. Naivety of some assumptions and guesswork is replaced with the arguments of other fantastic and third assumptions. It is true that no one ever has doubted one thing: the dream and waking states are opposite.

However recently, a tape, which recorded electronic signals from the brain of a sleeping man is stunning discovery. Recent studies contradict this view of the certainty that seemed unshakable.
This new found study clearly demonstrates that sleep is no less complex and is a multifaceted process than waking, but has a characteristic structure. During sleep, the human brain works, but quite differently.
The dream did not really oppose to waking, but especially added any addition to it. Both stages have the same cycle and can be likened to the crest of the rising and then the falling wave. Scientists celebrated the real victory, the understanding of how the man sleeps.
Curves outlined in the electronic signals allow there to be five phases of sleep four threshold of depth.
Irregular curves are characteristic of the first phase of sleep, the transition from the waking state. A few minutes after the dream comes. On the tape he left his autograph in the form of curves with sharp contours, called the spindle sleep.
It takes about half an hour, after which the record is changed again, the register of slow movements, delta-wave. They are typical of deep sleep. Delta waves gradually increased and their movement is accelerating. Then comes the fourth phase, an unconscious state of sleep is when a person becomes deeper into sleep of which lasts for about one hour.

Then the on the tape appeared graphic images corresponding to the situation in waking. A man is sleeping! He sleeps, but electronic signals inexorably reported increased activity in the brain. Blood pressure is elevated, and an increased flow of oxygen. Incredible picture, this is the last entry that notes the exclusion of "linkages" with the outside world. Accelerated metabolism is fully allocated in the musculature. This phase can not be called otherwise than "paradoxical."