
When Mercury is in Capricorn, every trip needs to planned to the smallest detail and organized ahead of time....

Back in the 90s, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico managed to receive signals, evidencing the presence of water on Mercury....

Things to do while Mercury is retrograde
Just say No
One of the advantages of Mercury retrograde is that it brings back the past....

Meeting new people and relationships are of key importance during Mercury's period in Aries....

This is the 3rd and final retrograde Mercury of the year. This time it will be moving backwards in the sign of Libra....

In the period from September 30 to October 17, Mercury, which presides over communication, will be located in the territory of the sign of Libra....

On June 19, an alignment between Mercury and the Sun will help us more easily reach that which is truly important to us....

Gemini and Virgo are most affected by Mercury retrograde because Mercury is their planet.
Astrologers call the period of Mercury retrograde often "scary"....

Mercury is going to be retrograde in Aries from March 23 to April 15....

The planet of communication and thought, Mercury, will be traveling through Aquarius from February 7-25. This movement will provide you opportunities for progress in certain fields....

In astrology, Mercury is responsible for intellect, the exchange of information, short trips, trade and all forms of communication, including writing and speaking....

However, when Mercury is retrograde, this information is incorrect, inaccurate and misguiding....

According to the expert, Mercury will collide with the celestial bodies nearest it - Venus or the Sun, after 5 billion years....

However, the retrograde Mercury will force you to wait before realizing these plans....

Once Mercury goes retrograde, you need to be careful with the information you receive.
Virgo - Pay attention to your partner
After Mercury goes retrograde, it will be harder for you to realize your desires....

Once Mercury is no longer in retrograde, new people will come into your life....