The final retrograde phase of Mercury for the year begins this week. The planet will enter a retrograde phase on October 4th in the star sign of Scorpio.
This Monday, Venus enters into Libra, which will have a harmonic influence on most zodiac signs. At the end of the week, a tense aspect will form between the Sun and Pluto.
Aries - Diplomacy and luck throughout the week
Starting Monday, your diplomacy will be unleashed after Venus enters into Libra. You will also enjoy great luck throughout the week, just don't miss out on joyous opportunities. The retrogradation of Mercury may lead to some delays in your tasks.
Taurus - The atmosphere at work becomes harmonious

You will be able to achieve complete harmony at the workplace this week. You will create the right comfortable environment, in order to work well and effectively with your coworkers. If you need to change your place of residence this week, the astrological chart supports you but if buying any electronics, do so by Saturday, before Mercury starts moving in retrograde.
Gemini - Pay attention to your partner
During the week, Geminis need to spend most of their time with their partner. It's time to stabilize your relationship and make plans for the future. If you are single, the week is perfect for you to meet a suitable partner, because the Sun will be moving through Libra - your complementary zodiac sign.
Cancer - Harmonious relations with loved ones
The days up to October 5th will harmonize your relations with loved ones, and more specifically, with people whom you share a home. If you need to remodel your home, it needs to happen by Saturday - before Mercury's retrogradation. By then you also need to clear up any misunderstandings with your partner, since Mercury will be passing through Scorpio, which may lead to old jealousies from the past making a comeback.
Leo - Your communication with people improves
Venus in Libra will have a very positive effect on your communication with people. The week is also appropriate for you to sign up for an extra language, sport or dance class. Once Mercury goes retrograde, you need to be careful with the information you receive.
Virgo - Pay attention to your partner
After Mercury goes retrograde, it will be harder for you to realize your desires. You need to choose your words wisely and be careful with your criticism of others' work. From Monday to Friday you will need to work on several things at the same time in order to complete your tasks on time.
Libra - You seem more attractive and interesting to others
From September 29th to October 23rd, Venus will be in your zodiac sign, which will bestow upon you much support, harmony and love. You will appear more attractive and interesting to others and your popularity will grow. Because of Mercury's retrogradation beginning this Saturday, you need to be careful with any financial issues.

Scorpio - Professional successes
You will have more successes in the professional aspect than in your love life. You can expect an upswing financially, as well as unique work opportunities. Accept any long-term tasks only until Saturday, because after Mercury goes retrograde and while its traveling through your sign, you must not make any promises or sign important documents.
Sagittarius - You become loaded with positive energy
This week you will be charged with positive energy, making you dream and supporting your loved ones. If you're single, it's possible for you to meet your soulmate in the coming days. You also need to resolve an important financial issue by Friday, because Mercury's retrogradation won't allow for favorable circumstances in this aspect after that.
Capricorn - You alleviate tension
In the days to come, you will decrease the tension at the workplace, as well as in your intimate relations. You need to resolve all of your financial issues, especially if they have to do with documents, before Saturday.
Aquarius - Organize events
You may end up traveling more and meeting with friends this week. You will be highly active these coming few days, so you can organize or lead specific events. Once Mercury goes retrograde, you may have problems with the authority of specific persons.
Pisces - You find a financial balance
You will find the balance between your spending and earnings. It's possible for an additional source of good income to appear throughout the week. Mercury will be in retrograde until October 25th, which advises you not to travel and to complete your tasks early.