From September 17 to October 9, the planet closest to the Sun, Mercury, will be moving backward when viewed in the sky. This will influence the aspects that the planet controls, according to astrology.
Mercury is responsible for communications, commerce, the relations between brother and sister, short-distance travels, negotiations, the gathering of information. All of this aspects will be vulnerable during the retrograde period.
This is the 3rd and final retrograde Mercury of the year. This time it will be moving backwards in the sign of Libra. Its location in the air sign also provides hints as to which aspects we need to be more careful with.
When Mercury is retrograde, it's possible that we may be more absent-minded, have confusing situations occur more often and receive misleading information. That's why it's not recommended to sign any long-term work contracts, credit agreements or move to a new home.
Don't change jobs and do not, under any circumstances, hold your breath for meeting any new members of the opposite sex. Stick to your old projects, without starting anything newly planned.
Mercury is also responsible for technology, its backward motion having a negative impact on phone, laptop and TV purchases. Astrologers advise us not to make any large-scale purchases until October 9th because you may regret it later.

Huge misunderstandings are possible, since communication is unclear and hazy during the retrogradation period. Many of your reservations might fall through due to unclear details.
Some expected results will be slightly delayed but once Mercury resumes its direct path events will begin to fall into place with accordance to your plans.
The period of retrograde Mercury is the perfect time to learn more about ourselves. Astrologers' advice is to focus on self-improvement and reevaluating our past mistakes.
Since Mercury is retrograde in Libra, close partnerships and romantic relationships come into focus. Some couples may experience only a slight shakeup of their mutual trust but others may even break up.