

Looking for information on Darkness? Check out our latest articles on Darkness.
Darkness Makes us EvilDarkness Makes us Evil
Because of this, darkness increased their chances of acting arrogantly and egotistically, scientists are certain. In their view, the darkness creates some type of illusion of anonymity and impunity....
Three day nightmare of darknessThree day nightmare of darkness
Zhone told the police about the darkness that surrounded her, but they thought she was crazy. This is not the only such case. Years ago in a London subway station another was absorbed by impenetrable darkness....
The cat and the darknessThe cat and the darkness
"... She believes in superstitions, black cats and voodoo dolls", is said in a Ricky Martin song. It is not the first that since ancient times there are few animals that are as loved and undesirable as cats. They are surrounded...
Cats and witchcraftCats and witchcraft
The sun God Ra in Egypt was depicted as a cat and killed the dragon of darkness. Black cats since have been and continue to be associated with darkness and death....
Symbolism of the UnicornSymbolism of the Unicorn
In Tibet, the unicorn is the bridge between Earth and Sky, between the worlds of darkness and light, between the hidden and the obvious....
Bits of Wisdom from Chinese ThinkersBits of Wisdom from Chinese Thinkers
Don’t curse the darkness, light a candle. Defeat lies at the base of every success. Don't seek the answers, seek to understand the questions....
Tribe of New Guinea live in two worldsTribe of New Guinea live in two worlds
Representatives of the tribe leading a double existence fall into a trance regardless of which goes to the land of shadows where eternal darkness and monsters inhabit and the land of day....
Having These Kinds of Dreams? If so, Something in your Life isn`t RightHaving These Kinds of Dreams? If so, Something in your Life isn`t Right
200 individuals with mental health problems, the nightmares they experience fall into 9 major plot categories: falling, chasing, attacking, paralyzing fear, being trapped in a tight space, fire, being naked, getting lost, darkness...
Night Owls are Potential ConvictsNight Owls are Potential Convicts
Considering the fact that crime rates peak at night, the research team is convinced that there is a link between the dark side of human character and the darkness outside....
35 Pyramids Discovered in Sudan35 Pyramids Discovered in Sudan
It is believed that its function was to appease the goddess Isis, patroness of motherhood, and the jackal-headed god Anubis, who accompanied the souls of the dead in the darkness of the afterlife....
Unbelievably Accurate Prediction about the Future Takes the Internet by StormUnbelievably Accurate Prediction about the Future Takes the Internet by Storm
their horoscope; when, deprived of critical thinking and unable to tell the difference between the truth and that which makes us feel good, we'll slide down a slippery slope, almost unnoticeably, back to superstitions and darkness...
The Universe is Slowly Dying!The Universe is Slowly Dying!
This will bring about absolute darkness. The only objects remaining in space will be black holes, white dwarfs and neutron stars....
Baba Vanga's Prophecies for the Next 1000 YearsBaba Vanga's Prophecies for the Next 1000 Years
having to do with the Moon will be revealed; 2354 - Damage of the artificial sun will lead to cataclysms on Earth; 2371 - The year of the great hunger; 2480 - The 2 sun will collide, plunging the Earth into complete darkness...
Your Clothes and Possessions May be Making you Unhappy! Find out How Avoid ThisYour Clothes and Possessions May be Making you Unhappy! Find out How Avoid This
Don't wear all black The color black is linked to darkness and sorrow, so if you're looking for good luck, don't wear that much of it. Never wear all black, this includes accessories....
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color WhiteSymbolism and Meaning of the Color White
White light embodies the world, while white darkness - the kingdom of death. Because of this, a white egg is a symbol of life and a white corpse shroud - of death....
Watershed Events in History in the Year of the SnakeWatershed Events in History in the Year of the Snake
Black for them is the color of space, deep water, the darkness over the abyss. It symbolizes supreme boundless wisdom and boundless energy....