Nature and basic principles of astrology. Find out what the arrangement of stars and numbers tells you, the day of birth, the location of planets and celestial bodies.
Throughout this new year you're going to have the most fortune related to your family, home and all projects that you find it convenient to work on. Your personal comfort needs to be priority throughout the whole year.
Romantic relationships and professional achievements are the 2 aspects that will bring you the strongest emotions in 2017. Love, creativity, fun and kids are all going to provide you tons of happiness.
The greater part of 2017 will pass as a sort of review of the past several years for you. Now, you can take into full account what has worked to your benefit and what the most important lessons for you have been.
Throughout 2017, you're going to have an abundance of chances for success but it depends solely on your perseverance and hard work whether you're going to head toward progress or fail.
Sagittarius - Warm relations and increased finances. For you, December will be a month of clearing up all lies and misunderstandings. This is no time for riddles.
For the first time in 2 years, Mars is moving through the zodiac sign of Aquarius, opening the way for turbulent and sudden changes. The planet will find itself in the air sign from November 9 until December 19.
To find out what numerology has in store for you this November, first calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the digits of your date, month and year of birth. Keep adding them until you get a single digit number or 11 or 22.
There are several zodiac signs who have an extraordinary sense of foreboding and every time they feel like something’s going to happen, it always does.
During the first half of fall 2016, the planets will be active in the signs of Libra and Scorpio, giving us the opportunity to forge solid relationships on a deep level.
Because each of the 12 zodiac signs has a specific character trait which leads it to huge sins, they can easily fall into one of the 9 circles of Hell, if they don't make some changes right away.
According to astrology, there are 3 zodiac signs that are genuine kings of laziness and you would have to be a real master to awaken their desire to do anything. The zodiac signs in question love rest and idleness more than any other sign.
Philosophers say that love is the all-encompassing and creative force in the Universe. As beings living in sync and harmony with the rhythm of space and the stars, we are moved by this force.