Throughout this new year you're going to have the most fortune related to your family, home and all projects that you find it convenient to work on. Your personal comfort needs to be priority throughout the whole year.
This year you're going to have more opportunities than usual for starting a family, moving to a new home or buying one, and you would feel truly satisfied if you manage to obtain your very own home.
2017 is going to open doors to members of your family or relatives from the town/city of your birth. You may get closer if you share and see each other more often than before.
The new year will also provide you the opportunity to head in a more positive direction with regards to your professional development. However, in the March-April period you need to be more organized and disciplined than usual, in order to be noticed.
Don't be afraid to follow your intuition and demonstrate your talents, otherwise someone else will take advantage of the opportunities, while you once again get in line and wait.
Be more purposeful and persistent, instead of allowing your insecurity to defeat you and ultimately ruining your chances for professional realization.
Further, try to collaborate with coworkers who have shown that they can be counted on in difficult times. You're going to have plenty of good ideas but you also need a team with which to realize them.
Throughout the new year, get a hold of your education as well. Those who have long been postponing finishing their degree or signing up for a class for higher qualifications need to buckle down and finish their ventures.
It may be that at the beginning you don't see any good prospects in higher education but the truth is it will create opportunities for better income for you and through it a higher standard of living as well.
At the end of the year, there appears to be more time for romance and love. Singles will manage to find a suitable person with whom to build a solid a relationship.
Those already in a relationship will be able to more peacefully enjoy the company of their beloved because their great concerns will have passed; some may even start to think about having a child.