Dreams related to prosecution are among the most commonDreams related to prosecution are among the most common. As with most ordinary dreams, they are often the result of anxiety in your everyday life.
19 Feb.
Does poor sleep have influence on the psyche?Mental disorders such as depression and Parkinson 's disease for example, adversely affect the development of sleep. Types of insomnia - primary insomnia, awakening during the night.
19 Feb.
Flying in a Dream is a Sign of your Strength and WillDreams in which one can fly falls into the category of dreams of enlightenment . These dreams occur when you realize that you are dreaming. If you have difficulties to keep flying. .
19 Feb.
Can we interpret our own dreams?Interpretation of dreams is strictly individual to everyone. Most of us are afraid of such a dream in which one dreams that their families or they themselves die.
17 Feb.
Dreaming that you have an exam?Do you dream that you have a test and you are put to hardship? These dreams are typically related to your self confidence and lack of confidence. You feel prepared for any challenge.
15 Feb.
Lack of sleep is a risk for mental and physical healthWhen you sleep for 5 to 6 hours everyday, you put at risk your mental and physical health. Symptoms of lack of sleep are irritability and disturbances of concentration, deep depression and bad moods.
15 Feb.
I dreamed I was naked! What do does it mean?Awareness of the humiliation that you are naked in a public space reflects your sense of vulnerability or shame. Nudity also symbolizes that you are caught unprepared.
13 Feb.
Obese people sleep lessPeople who sleep five or fewer hours per day, more often suffer from overweight and obesity. It is assumed that the duration of sleep affects the speed of Metabolism.
12 Feb.
Some good ways to stay awakeA good night sleep helps you to be fresh and energetic the next day. Here are some good ways to stay awake when you want to fight with sleepiness.
08 Feb.
Mutated gene makes us sleep lessIt was found that less sleep is dangerous to health, it lowers the mood, leading to depression and diseases of the endocrine system. Caesar and Napoleon slept less then 6 hours per day.
08 Feb.
Men have erotic dreams more often than womenThese dreams often reflect our hidden desires, although there are those who do not understand and do not feel free to admit. Women dream sex scenes 5 times a month, and men, every other day.
07 Feb.
Tea chasing nightmaresIf you have nightmares we have a very easy way to beat them. We only need to drink one cup of green or black tea per day. Help avoid sleep disorders.
07 Feb.
Man is paralyzed during sleepAll people dream dreams, but men and women have different dreams. 90 of dreams are forgotten. The blind also dream. People blinded after birth, dreaming dreams in the form of pictures.
03 Feb.