

Looking for information on Thumb? Check out our latest articles on Thumb.
Thumb Test Reveals Our PersonalityThumb Test Reveals Our Personality
First you need to lace the fingers of your hands together and look to see which thumb of which hand ends up on top. If it's the thumb on the left hand, write down 1, if on the right - 2....
Palmistry - Thumbs and FingersPalmistry - Thumbs and Fingers
Humans are distinguished by having thumbs....
What Does Our Thumb Reveal about Our Character?What Does Our Thumb Reveal about Our Character?
You can learn a lot about a person's character from their thumb....
Palmistry - Fingers and RingsPalmistry - Fingers and Rings
The thumb: Willpower - the thumb represents logic and willpower, which control our actions. The thumb is independent of the other fingers and is the most important when working with the rest of the hand....
Palmistry - Meaning of the Line of the HeartPalmistry - Meaning of the Line of the Heart
- A line of the heart that begins between the thumb and index finger is the most favorable possible sign, showing a calm temperament. These types of people are more calm and quiet when it comes to passion....
Palmistry - Structure of the HandPalmistry - Structure of the Hand
The palm is thick and narrow; the small width is complemented by the position of the thumb, which is placed very high up, and extremely short and shapeless....
Palmistry - Meaning of the Line of LifePalmistry - Meaning of the Line of Life
It is situated from the edge of the palm under the thumb and curves like a rainbow toward the wrist....
Palmistry - The Index FingerPalmistry - The Index Finger
While the thumb is seen as more essential than the other fingers when defining personality, the other fingers also have their own specific meanings....
What the Most Common Hand Gestures MeanWhat the Most Common Hand Gestures Mean
However, if a person with their arms crossed has their thumbs pointing out instead of curled, it means they wish to display self-assurance....
Palmistry - The Middle FingerPalmistry - The Middle Finger
If the middle finger is inclined toward the thumb, this symbolizes superstition and sadness. If it slants toward the ring finger, this is a sign of having fewer illnesses....
Make your Wishes Come True Using Nothing More than a Ring! Here`s HowMake your Wishes Come True Using Nothing More than a Ring! Here`s How
Thumb If you're dreaming of a more fulfilling sex life then be absolutely sure to wear a ring on your thumb....
Mudras - Gestures with the Power to Change your LifeMudras - Gestures with the Power to Change your Life
To prevent severe stress, suffocation, heart attack, touch your thumb to the tips of your middle and ring fingers, leaving only your pinky pointing straight....
A Japanese Technique with Fingers to Calm YourselfA Japanese Technique with Fingers to Calm Yourself
According to the Japanese technique, the thumb is responsible for worry, the index finger - for fear, the middle finger - for anger, the ring finger - for sadness and the pinky - for strain....