
The new data also shows that due to the exceptional stability of DNA, it is not impossible for spaceships to take human DNA to other planets, such as Mars for example....

After a study was carried out, it became evident that the DNA of the people of Tibet is fundamentally different from the DNA of the rest of the people on Earth....

Genes occupy a very small part of DNA. The rest - 99% is outside influences. Until recently, it was called offensive DNA....

Researchers have demonstrated how to analyze the DNA from the blood sucked by a mosquito up to 48 hours after a bite....

Researchers used the latest technologies and have made DNA analysis to establish Tutankhamen’s family tree....

The Structure of DNA
The form and structure of DNA has been known to science since 1953 thanks to the dream of Dr. James Watson. The scientist dreamed of the now well-known double helix as 2 intertwined snakes....

James Watson, discoverer of DNA for many years was trying to discover the mysterious structure of the DNA molecule, until one night he dreamed of two intertwined snakes....

Human fingerprints have unique DNA. Traces of the fingers contain about 10 nanograms of DNA and to extract genetic material is sufficient only 1 /10 part of it, for example one billionth of a gram....

The investigation reopened in 2014, when DNA forensics had advanced to a much higher level.
New DNA tests were conducted on the gathered evidence....

In 1993 he won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of polymerase chain reaction, which makes it easier to test DNA....

During his investigation, he worked with an expert in molecular biology and innovative equipment for DNA testing....

The dangerous UV rays can destroy human DNA, disrupt the process of photosynthesis and reduce the viability of eggs and larvae....

In optimism, however, environment plays a greater role than DNA. In the study doctors have observed 428 pairs of twins aged between 20 and 25 years....


The 1st humans were more powerful, they had a 12 strand spiral DNA system. They began experimenting with the energy of the Prime Creator that existed within them....

Analysis of the root of the hair showed that it had an extra type of DNA, illustrating similarities with Celtic offshoots....