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Aging Starts at 27 Years of AgeAging Starts at 27 Years of Age
01 Oct.
Professor Timothy Salthaus said that the results speak for themselves: the therapies tasked with preventing or altering age-related conditions, show that people may need to start them earlier, long before reaching retirement...
Parts of the book of the dead were found in the sarcophagiParts of the book of the dead were found in the sarcophagi
10 Oct.
During excavations in El-Fayum oasis located 100 kilometers from Cairo 57 tombs have been discovered. Many of them have remained in very good condition and include a painted wooden sarcophagi. They are of the eighteenth...
What the Stars Portend for you in the Week Until November 27What the Stars Portend for you in the Week Until November 27
21 Nov.
At the start of the week, the Sun is going to move into Sagittarius, which is the sign of sincerity, spontaneity, education and distant travels....
Who were the MayansWho were the Mayans
12 Mar.
Around 2500 BC, the territory of the modern state of Guatemala was inhabited by tribes who spoke a language called by researchers protomaya. Over the years these people were spread to different regions and thus formed a striking...
Ludicrous Events That were Once Part of the OlympicsLudicrous Events That were Once Part of the Olympics
22 Aug.
How does an Olympic gold medal for shooting down the most pigeons sound? What about deer? With the conclusion of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, we'd like to share with you some of the strangest events that were once...
See What the Stars Portend for the Week of April 3 - April 10See What the Stars Portend for the Week of April 3 - April 10
04 Apr.
Start a new initiative The stars encourage starting new initiatives. Set aside time and write down everything you want to start doing on a sheet of paper. Look over your ideas well and pick out one, two at most....
The Milky Way Stole Some of its Stars from Another GalaxyThe Milky Way Stole Some of its Stars from Another Galaxy
16 Jan.
Their hypothesis states that the stars were stolen from the dwarf galaxy Sagittarius, which neighbors our own Milky Way....
Shooting Stars in the Coming DaysShooting Stars in the Coming Days
21 Oct.
The stars that form Orion had been detected by numerous ancient civilizations, since they are organized in myriad forms. Orions are the remains of Halley's Comet....
How to Navigate with the StarsHow to Navigate with the Stars
20 Feb.
The stars help orientate caravans in the desert and for centuries stars have helped misguided travelers to find the right path....
The proudest star signsThe proudest star signs
05 Jan.
Proudest are said to be the people born under the sign of Leo. They are ambitious, with a high self-esteem and like many compliments. They can not stand for someone to make public the ugly circumstances and facts about...
What the Stars Portend Today - February 17What the Stars Portend Today - February 17
17 Feb.
Positive changes that start at the workplace today will continue until the end of the week....
Runaway Stars Cut Across the Milky WayRunaway Stars Cut Across the Milky Way
08 Jan.
According to one theory, runaway stars are attracted by the gravity in a section of the galaxy that's overpopulated with stars....
What Kind of Love Thrills do the Stars Send us Today - October 21?What Kind of Love Thrills do the Stars Send us Today - October 21?
21 Oct.
The stars advise you to focus your attention on your family, children and parents. Everyone is incredibly touchy, so be patient and gentle. After 3:00 p.m....
The Myth of the Punishment of TantalusThe Myth of the Punishment of Tantalus
05 Apr.
Ancient Greek Mythology is a rich source of phrases that today have their own meaning in modern spoken language. One of these with a specific meaning is the punishment of Tantalus. What was this punishment and what wrongs...
The Legend of the Kingdom of HadesThe Legend of the Kingdom of Hades
01 Mar.
Greek mythology and ancient Greece have sparked interest for ages. This interest won't stop, since the myths and legends continue to entice young and old alike. One of the most curious personas in Greek mythology...
The Story of the Tower of BabelThe Story of the Tower of Babel
24 Apr.
The story of the Tower of Babel is told in the 1st book of the Bible - the Book of Genesis. It explains the origins of the different languages and people in the world. According to it, after the Great Flood decimated the...
The Crazy Inventions our Grandparents Thought were SpectacularThe Crazy Inventions our Grandparents Thought were Spectacular
22 Nov.
For every good idea that's led to the invention of something that has in some way improved the lives of human beings, there have been at least 10 that were bad and ineffective. The problem was that before they realized said...
What Were the UFO Cases Documented in January?What Were the UFO Cases Documented in January?
19 Feb.
It's as if the frequency of UFO cases has been on the rise recently. And while according to some skeptics they have a logical explanation, Ufologists believe that extraterrestrials are trying to make contact with us somehow...
It Can't Be: Find out What Some of the Objects Around us were Used for in the PastIt Can't Be: Find out What Some of the Objects Around us were Used for in the Past
09 Jan.
A person could go inside and start to walk or run. A London prison warden saw the potential of this invention and enacted it as a form of punishment....
See What Kinds of Surprises the Stars Have in Store for you for JuneSee What Kinds of Surprises the Stars Have in Store for you for June
02 June
You'll have the motivation to start but you're going to need to be persistent to the end. You can even start exercising or sign up for a gym....
The Mystery of the Deaths of the Dyatlov Pass IncidentThe Mystery of the Deaths of the Dyatlov Pass Incident
27 July
From the USSR's secret archives, there is a well-known event which led to the mysterious deaths of 9 skiers on the night of February 2, 1959. The incident is documented as the Dyatlov Pass Incident. The horrendous event...
The most insidious star signsThe most insidious star signs
15 Dec.
They are more likely to be used as a "pawn in someone else's game" than to start their own cunning plan and use good implementation to achieve a personal goal. Capricorn....
The Macabre Secret of the Cave of SkeletonsThe Macabre Secret of the Cave of Skeletons
21 Oct.
An ominous cave, located not far from the mouth of the Khwae Yai River in the Thai province of Kanchanaburi, has for years on end been the subject of debate between scientists and made numerous people tremble in fear....
Effects of the Different Phases of the MoonEffects of the Different Phases of the Moon
18 Dec.
It's a fact that there are certain things influencing human behavior and emotions that are inexplicable. Or at least not everyone understands them. The horoscope, ascendant, moon phases... these are all things comprising...
The Dark Side of the Sign of TaurusThe Dark Side of the Sign of Taurus
08 June
As an earth sign, the need for material security is ingrained in the character of every Taurus. But when the dark side of his nature prevails, he becomes greedy. Money, food and possessions are never enough. He becomes...