»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming of Shooting Stars Means
StarsDreaming that you see the stars , suggests to expect welfare. To dream of a falling star , means you expect joy....
ShootingTo dream of shooting , means you have a new word or acquisition......
ShoutingA dream that someone shouts, means you will want to loan money.......
StareTo dream that you look at the subject or person, means that you are not familiar with their wishes.......
StartTo dream that you start dreaming, means that you will have the promise of new prospects in your personal or profe...
StarTo dream of a star , suggests an expected welfare. Dreaming of a shooting star , means to be expected gladly...
ShoppingTo dream of shopping , indicates monetary losses, To dream of any sort of shop, signifies that you will have a ...
ShoppingIf you dream that you are shopping - monetary loss; if someone else is shopping - a new acquisition in your home.......
ShoppingTo dream that you shop means monetary loss, if any others shop - new addition to your home.......
Falling starsIf you see in your dream falling stars , the loss of a loved one may be coming.......
MeanTo dream that someone else is guilty, means you are scorned.......
StainDreaming of a greasy stain , means you will have tangible benefits and good profits.......
StaffDreaming that you are part of the staff team, suggests that among people, you are without troubles.......
StallDreaming of an empty stall , means you are ahead of damages and losses.......
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