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Some Absurd Bans in Several CountriesSome Absurd Bans in Several Countries
19 Feb.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This old adage applies to all of the enticing places we've visited or have yet to visit. The same goes with full force for restrictions. There exist certain prohibitions that may sound...
The Names of the Biggest Betrayers in HistoryThe Names of the Biggest Betrayers in History
02 Feb.
Besides Judas Iscariot, who is the very symbol of betrayal, history remembers many other individuals that have betrayed their country and even their own compatriots. Brutus After Judas, Brutus is the other historical...
How warm countries welcome the New YearHow warm countries welcome the New Year
31 Dec.
Residents of one of the islands of Micronesia change their names each new year, to chase away evil spirits. On the morning of the first of January, families whisper to each other their new names....
Names of Trees and Their MeaningNames of Trees and Their Meaning
21 Apr.
In legends and fairy tales, forests and trees have always been described as magical, mysterious places. Very often they are considered to be inhabited by elves, dwarves, samodivas, giants, witches etc. According to...
Why and how some people anticipate earthquakesWhy and how some people anticipate earthquakes
25 Feb.
There are people in different parts of the world that are known for being able to anticipate earthquakes days before they happen. This phenomenon is not yet explained. One of the most popular human seismographs was the...
How Galileo Changed the View of the UniverseHow Galileo Changed the View of the Universe
26 Feb.
Astronomy at first simply an astrological pursuit where objects and motions of object in the sky were explained using archaic understandings of the universe, however this was all before Galileo turned his telescope to the...
How to welcome the Year of the TigerHow to welcome the Year of the Tiger
15 Feb.
2010, The Year of the Tiger, as we come to end of the 12 months the new year approaches. According to the Chinese horoscope, as the New Year approaches, yellow, purple or striped candles should be on show on the the table...
The Milky Way Stole Some of its Stars from Another GalaxyThe Milky Way Stole Some of its Stars from Another Galaxy
16 Jan.
An intriguing fact that has been discovered in the past decade is that at least half of the 11 most distant stars in our galaxy are far from the spiral disk of our Milky Way. These celestial bodies are about 300...
How to welcome the year of the Water DragonHow to welcome the year of the Water Dragon
18 Dec.
When you welcome the New Year, keep in mind that 2012 will pass under the sign of the water dragon. Because of this, everything relating to water will bring you luck in the New Year. Shiny foil strips on your christmas...
How to Overcome the Fear of FailureHow to Overcome the Fear of Failure
08 Nov.
Fear of failure and failure is often the barrier we put in front of ourselves, limiting our actual possibilities. This is a pretty serious problem, since many people don't make important life changes that would otherwise...
How to Read the Signs of FateHow to Read the Signs of Fate
11 Apr.
Almost every one of us has witnessed the phenomenon of a chain reaction at least once in our life. A strange event, leading to a series of changes, which change our fate. But how do we read the signs, which fate sends...
How to Use the Magical Properties of DishwareHow to Use the Magical Properties of Dishware
22 Dec.
Setting the table with a particular set of dishware doesn't just bring finesse, style and a sense of comfort to your table, it also helps you enjoy harmony. Our ancestors believed that each of the items used while eating...
How to postpone the date of your deathHow to postpone the date of your death
24 Dec.
None of us knows the exact date of their death. Oh, mistake! There is at least one person on earth who can certainly say in which day will break the earthly path of every individual of this planet. This is the Russian...
How the Planets Will Affect us Until the End of JuneHow the Planets Will Affect us Until the End of June
25 June
On Monday, Venus enters into Gemini, ushering in lots of flirting and communication. On Wednesday, Mars and Uranus will form an opposition, which will increase tension, while the new moon on Friday will encourage...
It Can't Be: Find out What Some of the Objects Around us were Used for in the PastIt Can't Be: Find out What Some of the Objects Around us were Used for in the Past
09 Jan.
Many of the objects we use every day emerged many generations ago. But some of the items we take for granted have gone through amazing transformations since their initial application. For example, in the past, the treadmill...
Countries That Will Disappear in the Next 20 YearsCountries That Will Disappear in the Next 20 Years
12 Dec.
China Unexpectedly, the British place China on the list of countries that will disappear....
The Myth of the Punishment of TantalusThe Myth of the Punishment of Tantalus
05 Apr.
According to the myths he ruled over the lands around Mount Sipylus and the city of Lydia in the region of the same name. The ancient Greek historian Strabo described him as King of Phrygia in Asia Minor....
The Legend of the Kingdom of HadesThe Legend of the Kingdom of Hades
01 Mar.
Their names are associated with the emotions related to death. Styx is the river of hatred, Acheron the river of woe, Phlegethon of fire, Lethe of oblivion and Cocytus of lamentation....
The Story of the Tower of BabelThe Story of the Tower of Babel
24 Apr.
Historians claim that the saga of the Tower of Babel originated around the year 2000 BC, as legends and passed down stories of the people living at that time in Mesopotamia....
The Magical Power of Touch - How Does Touch Heal Us?The Magical Power of Touch - How Does Touch Heal Us?
23 Aug.
Touch is one of the most basic means of communication and interaction between people. But touch also has deeper effects on our physical and mental well-being. Some call this power of touch magical because of its ability to...
How the Beautiful Helen of Troy May Have Looked LikeHow the Beautiful Helen of Troy May Have Looked Like
03 July
Helen of Troy, who according to historians was the main reason leading to the Trojan War, was considered an unearthly beauty. So many legends have arisen about the daughter of Zeus's beauty that countless artists...
How one sleeps, and what the phases of sleep are?How one sleeps, and what the phases of sleep are?
20 Feb.
One third of our lives is spent in deep sleep. For more than a century medics are trying to unravel the state of mind during this time. However, are still failing to provide an answer to this fascinating mystery. Do people...
Superstitions in different countriesSuperstitions in different countries
18 Mar.
In Slavic countries, people believe that meeting a black cat brings bad luck. The only way to neutralize the meeting with the black cat, is to spit over your left shoulder....
The Mystery of the Deaths of the Dyatlov Pass IncidentThe Mystery of the Deaths of the Dyatlov Pass Incident
27 July
After the bodies of the dead skiers were found, the mountain pass was named after the leader of the group - Dyatlov, and the mystery of the deceased skiers remains known as the Dyatlov Pass Incident....
Effects of the Different Phases of the MoonEffects of the Different Phases of the Moon
18 Dec.
It's a fact that there are certain things influencing human behavior and emotions that are inexplicable. Or at least not everyone understands them. The horoscope, ascendant, moon phases... these are all things comprising...