Fear of failure and failure is often the barrier we put in front of ourselves, limiting our actual possibilities. This is a pretty serious problem, since many people don't make important life changes that would otherwise help them achieve a lot.
Some never dare to pursue their dreams, because they don't want to take the risk. That is why it is extremely important that a person believes in themselves first, regardless of what people say, what happens, regardless of failure even. How to overcome the failure, if there is one and how to gather courage for the next successful attempt?
Accept failure as a mistake - because it is. To make mistakes is human. Mistakes are experiences from which you must learn, so that the next one can be successful.
Make the most of it, learn your lesson and motivate yourself to achieve an even better result than planned. Life is a series of successes and failures, so to make the first one even sweeter and more satisfying, there must be failures. Think along those lines.
Failure is a prospect - for new knowledge, information, longing and a stronger drive. As we said, if there are no failures, your motivation will not be as strong, so this is just a lesson to learn.

Identify the exact type of failure you're worried about - whether you're worried about what people will say, losing money, hurting your image, or something else. Find the fear, work towards it and eradicate it. Always have a plan B in your head. If that doesn't work, try something else. Make a plan with a few bullet points. One way or another you will succeed.
Don't look at anyone else's life - your life, success and failure are your own. No one goes your way, everyone needs to look at their own.
Don't be afraid to try new ways and take new risks to achieve your dreams, because these are your own goals. The only person who will gain or lose from this is you. Just believe in yourself.