Dazzling and charming, the pyrite stone has excited people since ancient times because it strongly resembles gold. Its history began long ago and continues to this day, bringing many emotions to those who work with it - disappointments, ecstasy and ridicule for its deceptive appearance.
A detailed examination of it may give insight into these disturbances and their cause.
History and origin of pyrite
Pyrite owes its name to ancient Greece. Translated it means fire and it was precisely found because it describes its properties - it has a golden, fiery color. With its help in ancient times, man ignited sparks to start a fire.
Another very colorful name for pyrite is Fool's Gold. Because of its appearance, it is often confused with gold. And the name itself comes from the greed of the Spanish conquistadors, who took the pyrite rocks from the local Indians in the hope of getting rich quick. When they brought the mineral to their homeland, they were taken by experienced prospectors who recognized the real precious metal.
Other names that pyrite has been given over the centuries are Inca Gold, Cat's Eye, Iron Pyrite and others.
In ancient Egypt, the mineral was used as a mirror and for decoration. Hindus made pyrite amulets, because they believed that a jewelry made of the stone around the neck protected against crocodiles.
Europeans made jewelry from it before the Middle Ages, made bracelets, watches and shoe buckles, but they quickly oxidized and lost their attractive appearance.
An interesting story describing a characteristic feature of pyrite is the discovery of the body of a dead miner in a mine in the town of Falun in Sweden. The man's body was completely petrified and this became the occasion for all kinds of stories about evil gnomes and trolls. Later, the property of pyrite to completely displace organic matter, replacing it with itself, was discovered. Equally important information is that it is mined along with other more valuable metals - cobalt, copper, zinc. It is found wherever there is pyrite ore.
Today pyrite is just as popular because of its low price and bright appearance. Its largest deposits today are in the USA, Russia and Sweden. This stone is also mined in Norway, Azerbaijan and Spain. Italy, however, provides the most valuable specimens that jewelers seek.
Physical characteristic of pyrite

Pyrite is iron sulfide. It is present in all geological rocks, only in magma its amounts are small, but some sedimentary rocks may be composed entirely of pyrite and silicon.
The samples are most often cube-shaped and have a mirror surface. Each cube has 12 faces, with each of these 12 sides and a pentagon. Its disadvantage is that the stone oxidizes immediately upon contact with water or air. It is also very fragile and brittle, cannot be bent like gold and its processing requires great precision.
There are 2 types of pyrite in nature:
- Bravoite with 1/5 composition of nickel, with a bright yellow color;
- Marcasite - has a special crystal lattice structure with a rich golden hue and iridescent silver.
In rare cases, there is some pure gold in the crystals.
Medicinal properties of pyrite
The healing properties of pyrite have been discovered by ancient healers. They tied the stone to the body to relieve arthritic pains. To make it easier for women to give birth, a pyrite stone was tied to their feet. Babies were tied with a pyrite stone around their necks for a peaceful sleep.
They considered this stone a miraculous healer - used it to cure leprosy, bleeding, cataracts, even to remove freckles.
It is believed that pyrite successfully combats depression and other psychological disorders. However, it should be known that it is contraindicated for people with a high emotional threshold, because only very irritable and vulnerable people can improve their condition.
Modern healers attribute a wide range of healing properties to pyrite.
- It relieves nervous tension, banishes fatigue and depression;
- Improves the quality of sleep, strengthens the body;
- Supports the respiratory and circulatory system;
- Treats infectious and viral diseases;
- Increases muscle tone;
- Treats infertility;
- Can cope with chronic diseases, fever, complications from flu;
- Restores strength and endurance and is therefore recommended for people doing heavy physical work.
Magical Powers of Pyrite

Even the ancient Greeks attributed to this stone a great protective power, since they considered it the stone of Ares - the god of war. Each warrior carried such a stone to give him strength and endurance in battle. In addition to endowing them with determination and fearlessness, ancient warriors believed that pyrite protected them from death.
In the Middle Ages, alchemists experimented with it. Today it is also used to restore the energy field after rituals that drain energy. For this purpose, a smooth stone is needed - without cracks and scratches.
However, there is one interesting point: pyrite is a capricious stone. It can't stand being close to other minerals, excluding serpentine and hematite.
Only strong-willed people can wear this stone as a talisman. If it is not properly used in tandem, after only 3 days it brings serious harm to its owner, who becomes nervous and irritable.
As a talisman, it is good for people with strong professions - military, firefighters and law enforcement officers. The stone gives confidence, determination and purposefulness. It is a helper for passive personalities and will protect them in difficult situations where they are afraid to make a decision.
In addition to boosting self-esteem, pyrite is a great stone for meditation and divination, because of its strong reflective qualities. It has also combined the power of earth and fire and it is a very bright combination that balances perfectly.
Pyrite and the zodiac signs
As for the wearing pyrite by the various zodiac signs, naturally with a strong stone like this the question arises which zodiac signs can wear it and which are not recommended to wear it?
Cancer is the sign that should not wear this stone. It is negative and has negative powers for this sign. All other zodiac signs should also carefully use pyrite and be very careful with what other stones they combine it with.
However, Gemini qualities are drawn to pyrite, because the stone will help them be more focused in their many interests.
This stone is considered mainly for men, but ladies can also use it as jewelry, it will give them attractiveness in the eyes of the stronger sex.
Jewelry care and pyrite talismans
Talismans need to be cleaned and recharged with varying frequency, because they act like a sponge and absorb any energy. It is required that the talisman is regenerated by placing it in a quartz medium to recharge. Because of the sulfur and lead in it, it is not good to keep it in the sun for a long time.
The jewelry is protected by covering it with colorless varnish. Collectors may store it in a vacuum.
Meaning of pyrite
It is no coincidence that this simple stone has dominated the minds of people since ancient times. Without rivaling gold in value, pyrite is like its younger brother, which is also a reliable protector for some groups of people.
As a stone that can give birth to fire, it has been of great importance in raising people up the ladder of civilization and now helps them stay there.