»Choosen Collections»Stonehenge Myths and Legends
Myths, Legends and Facts about the Moon
Old or young myths and legends of the moon are still admired today!...
Stonehenge and the 47 Lunar Months
Stonehenge was built more than 3, 500 years ago and it is said to have been used for predicting lunar eclipses....
Facts and Myths about Vampires
Real vampires look similar to their prototypes from legends and movies....
Maundy Thursday - Myths and Traditions
According to legend, the dyeing of eggs became a part of Christianity when Mary Magdalene visited the Roman Emperor and gave him a red egg as a gift...
Legends and tales about King Solomon
According to legend, he understood the language of animals and demons from the lower worlds brought him jewels ....
Legends and Facts about North American Indians
Even today, many Indian tribes from the American Northeast and Southwest speak of legends of red-haired giants, with which their ancestors fought...
The Mythic Legend Surrounding the Dreamcatcher
This makes the 2 legends completely different from one another....
Archaeologists Find Second Stonehenge
"Stonehenge has for centuries been puzzling and earning the admiration of both archaeologists and tourists alike....
Ancient Egyptian MythsIts myths have different versions, different characters and locations, but the meaning of a story remains unchanged....
New Megalithic Monuments Near Stonehenge
1.8 miles (3 km) from the emblematic Stonehenge, archaeologists have uncovered a site that looks very much like it....
Who was Saint Patrick and What Did Legends Say of Him?
According to one legend, the saint drove away all of the snakes from Ireland with a sermon and it is a fact that these reptiles have indeed vanished...
The Big Grey Man of Ben Macdui - Between Myths and Nightmares
Hogg said that he saw a giant black man, at least 10 ft (3 m) tall, with massive teeth and eyes....
Facts and Myths about the Full Moon you May Not Know
The Full Moon that occurs approximately every 29.5 days was linked to a series of myths, legends, sinister stories and superstitions....
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