

According to numerology, the birth date is closely tied to the character of a person, their individuality and last but not least - their talents....

You have a talent both for writing, as well as speaking, because you always manage to find the right words for what you're feeling....

Their adventurousness will allow them to fully unleash their talents.
The air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
The greatest talent of the air signs is their oratory gift....

In Mayan legends there were tales of beings from heaven who came on something like a rocket. They kidnapped women and when they sent them back, the women bore black children ....

King Solomon was the third Jewish king, the son of King David. The brilliance of his rule has gone down in history as the period of strongest flowering of Jewish power and influence.
While King Solomon reigned, good always...

Fairy tales are of huge significance to a person's development. Inspiring and full of magic, they introduce a different and mystical world to youngsters.
But have you ever wondered how they originated?...

Before he became world famous, the guitarist did not possess any particular musical talents, until he disappeared one night near Clarksdale, Mississippi....

In the waking world you've overcome serious limitations, and not because of unheard-of luck but because of your hard work and personal talent....


Some of the signs get rich thanks to their talents, while others because of their inborn sense for making money....

They reveal your temperament and natural talents....

The dwarf family stood out not only with their short stature but also their musical talent. Thanks to their ability to entertain the public, they were able to save themselves during those years of terror....

Negotiators are outstanding motivators, their talent is to enable each of the arguing sides to present and defend their position....

It is believed that people with a high forehead are more curious and those with a low brow have hidden talents.
Lips can help us understand a little more of human nature....

You have an obvious talent - when you're talented in a given field, you have to invest all of your efforts in perfecting this gift....