According to numerology, the birth date is closely tied to the character of a person, their individuality and last but not least - their talents. To find out whether what you are doing is your true karma, check the information written about your date of birth:
- For those born on the dates 1, 10, 19, 28, it can be said that they have a sense toward business, they are attracted to new things;
- Of those born on 2 and 20, it can be said without any doubt that they have the ability to listen to and understand the person sitting across from them, to look at every situation from both sides. Suitable professions for people born on these dates are psychologist, school teacher or psychotherapist;
- People born on 3, 12, 21, 30, tend to be extremely talented and creative. These are not people born for administrative work - their mission is greater.

- Those born on 4, 13, 31 - these people are the perfect worker, since they carry out their tasks in a strict manner. They are team players and never place themselves before the well-being of the collective. Since they are successful in their work, people born on these dates rise quickly professionally.
- Persons born on 5, 14, 23 - these are adaptive folks, ready to experiment, loving risks. For them, a profession in the tourism field is appropriate, since they are successfully adept at learning new languages.
- For those born on 6, 15, 24 - they definitely have a sense of beauty and harmony. These are true connoisseurs, who need to use their qualities - for example to draw, write, invent different things.

- For folks born on 7, 16, 25 - they are ones who are capable of self-analysis; they are perfectionists in what they do and are incredibly focused in their tasks. Anyone born on these dates will do a great job in professions related to teaching, management, journalism, research activities.
- People born on 8, 17, 26 have strong personalities, often powerful even, but are at the same time very charismatic, allowing them to quickly win over people's trust. Leadership positions would suit them well.
- Of persons born on 9, 18, 27 - these are fierce personalities who are able to assert their position and follow their ideals. Usually, the people born on these dates are most driven toward humanitarian activities and charity. They often become popular.
- Persons born on 11, 22 and 29 are considered to be special:
- Folks born on the 11th and 29th are exceptionally enterprising - they have a remarkable sense for business and creativity. They constantly have new ideas, which they want to bring to fruition.
- People born on the 22nd are exceptionally dedicated to their work. They are extraordinarily creative and can make even their boldest wishes come true.