

Looking for information on Sky? Check out our latest articles on Sky.
The Nebra Sky DiskThe Nebra Sky Disk
The 1st realistic sky maps were discovered in ancient Egypt and are about 3400 years old....
Clouds Cover 67 Percent of Our SkyClouds Cover 67 Percent of Our Sky
The few regions where the sky is almost always clear are the Sahara desert, Arabian Peninsula, South Africa and Australia. There, the air falls instead of rising, thus not allowing clouds to form....
Photographer Captures Mysterious Signs in the SkyPhotographer Captures Mysterious Signs in the Sky
The amateur photographer Jeff Templin managed to photograph mysterious signs written in the sky, during a random photo session. The strange sky shapes puzzle anyone who gazes upon them....
The Amazing Philippe Petit, Who Walked in the SkyThe Amazing Philippe Petit, Who Walked in the Sky
He has walked in the sky without using any sort of visual illusions....
The White Clouds in the Sky Come from PhytoplanktonThe White Clouds in the Sky Come from Phytoplankton
Half of the white clouds in our sky owe their origins to marine phytoplankton, which release large quantities of aerosols into Earth's atmosphere....
Mars will be Brightest Object in Sky Until End of JulyMars will be Brightest Object in Sky Until End of July
The Red Planet will be the brightest object in the sky, as it will be maximally close to Earth....
Extraterrestrial Mummy Found in GermanyExtraterrestrial Mummy Found in Germany
The Nebra sky disk weighs 4.5 lb (2 kg) and its diameter is 11 3/4″ (30 cm). Its surface is covered with golden ornamentation, depicting the sky at night, the sun, crescents and the Pleiades star cluster....
What Awaits us in the Starry Skies in 2017What Awaits us in the Starry Skies in 2017
A number of astronomical occurrences are going to fill the sky this year. It all begins with the traditional shift of the starry sky during the different seasons....
UFO over the ancient worldUFO over the ancient world
\"Saw something moving in the sky, a fiery circle. They said to the king. Later, these objects in the sky became numerous and radiated a bright light from the Sun....
Orionid Meteor Shower to Make All Wishes Come True on ThursdayOrionid Meteor Shower to Make All Wishes Come True on Thursday
Observers need to keep staring at the sky or they'll miss them, " says astronomer Bob Berman....
Demonic Being Appears in the Skies Over ZambiaDemonic Being Appears in the Skies Over Zambia
A mysterious human figure appeared in the sky, making locals tremble in fear. Many saw a sinister portent in the body, while others compared it to the kinds of monsters we see in various movies....
Jupiter and Venus in Conjunction on July 1stJupiter and Venus in Conjunction on July 1st
The 2 planets will look like a double shining star in the night sky....
See What`s Coming if you Dream of CloudsSee What`s Coming if you Dream of Clouds
- A dark cloud in a stormy sky is a sign that you have to be very cautious. There's a danger of you getting in an accident....
What Will Happen to you if you Dream of a Rainbow?What Will Happen to you if you Dream of a Rainbow?
A rainbow is one of the most alluring natural phenomena we can spot in the sky....
Make a Wish if you See a RainbowMake a Wish if you See a Rainbow
A very old superstition goes that if a person were to see a rainbow in the sky they're going to have lots of luck all year long....
Death is Simply an Illusion of our ConsciousnessDeath is Simply an Illusion of our Consciousness
If we think the sky is blue, this is because someone has taught us that the color of the sky is blue but our brain connections can be changed so we begin to see the sky as red or green, he adds....