
Those who are around us
These are the most insignificant relationships but can still bring us wisdom. They are all those with whom we exchange smiles or have a word or two....

The relationship Gua is the area which is located in the far right corner to the entrance of the room or home. There you can concentrate on attracting new friends, on starting a serious relationship or even marriage....

Verbal Abuse and Jealousy in Toxic Relationships
Mistrust is always a sign that you have a relationship problem....

There's only one way you can lose them - if you see them as a given or don't invest the required care in the relationship.
This is the most loyal relationship possible....

Ten - true love;
Nine - don't waste your time, a relationship marked by cheating and arguments;
Eight - there is another person in their life;
Seven - a relationship marked by uncertainty;
Six - passionate...

If you start a relationship in December, it's definitely going to be a serious and lasting one....

With such a risk present, it's best to end the relationship before someone gets hurt emotionally.

Every person is interested in the future of their relationship....

You're going to begin a passionate relationship that'll push everything else behind itself.

Virgos also tend to build long-lasting relationships. This star sign loves to control the direction in which the relationship is headed....

This relationship is tempered. If for some reason the relationship ends, then both partners leave it much more experienced than before....

Severe differences have been discovered between them and their relationship is often impossible....

Relationships built only on feelings are shallow in your view....

Not excluded aer problems and scandals in your relationship with your closest person, but if you make an effort, your relationship will become stronger....

Unhealthy relationships
Our words can have a profound effect on our relationships with others. When we talk negatively about others, gossip or spread rumors, we ruin our relationship with them....

In astrology, Leo is linked with love, and Libra - with starting relationships and long-term relations.
The waxing moon in these zodiac signs also favors the beginnings of a new relationship....