With the advent of a new year, many of us are excited about what lies ahead, what will happen, or at least what to expect. 2013 is the year of the snake according to the Chinese calendar.
We can speculate on it for many different things - for love, success, travel, and more. But it seems most exciting to everyone is love - whatever we expected, we will find ourselves having success in this arena, and we will do it.
Let us now see what the stars portend this year and how much they will love and will be loved, at least in general. And last but not least, what to do to feel happier, more relaxed in terms of love.

2013 is the year of love, understanding, and in relationships and in friendships, even with strangers. In other words, good feelings between people will be leaders in the year of the snake.
It should be approached with more confidence to your loved one and bring mistrust to a minimum. Not excluded aer problems and scandals in your relationship with your closest person, but if you make an effort, your relationship will become stronger.
The year of the Snake encourages you to be more open to people and to exercise more understanding - this will bring you healthy and strong relationship.

Do not take reckless risks and do not even think about cheating – the snake does not like traitors, and if this year you cause similar pain of a loved one, expect serious trouble. Be careful about flirting and how far-reaching it is.
The year is especially favorable for marriage and creating lasting relationships. Great advice for 2013 is to communicate more with your loved ones, to show more generosity and tolerance.
If the past year has been full of emotions and celebrations and many buzzes, get ready, this year will be much more comfortable in every way.
You'll spend more quiet evenings with your loved one at home. And if you have not found love, this is the year that promises you great success in this endeavor.