
Released in print in 1888, the "Secret Doctrine" of Helena Blavatsky occupies an absolutely unique place in the history of human thought. Rejected by the official science of the nineteenth century, she has outlived her doubters...

Famous Russian astrologer and prophet Pavel Globa is famous for predicting the collapse of the Soviet Union, end of the era of Fidel Castro, Putin coming to power and many other events....

More than a century later, it is abundantly clear to everyone that this prediction was wrong....

The film is a prediction come true of the cyber attacks we witness today. The precision used to describe how a given site is taken down can astound any modern-day hacker....

The prediction came true after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, which Casey predicted....

Peter Deunov makes a number of predictions, showing his prophetic skills. He predicts the unification of Europe, wars, their developments, natural disasters....

While many set aside time for building on the here and now, there are millions who invest efforts into predicting the future - whether out of fear of it or simply out of curiosity....

Their last prediction is believed to have been the attack on the Capitol which occurred on January 6, 2021.
Do the authors of the cartoon The Simpsons really have psychic abilities?...

He made a lot of predictions, including the two World Wars, the fall of Russia and many believe the World Trade Center attack.
18 of his 950 quatrains refer to the 3rd World War....

The prediction of the end of the world was by a preacher of the United States, Harold Kemping.
Fortunately, it turned out another failed "prophecy."...

Do you know the top ten failed predictions of the world ending? Lets explore them know, you will notice that five have been taken from religious based predictions and five others on scientific predictions;


Predicting what will happen is no easy task considering that the world is such a fickle place, with things going awry and not always turning out how we had hoped....

During the last few years of his life, the genius of our time - Stephen Hawking - made several predictions for the future....

Miller's dream dictionary was created by German psychiatrist Gustavus Miller, who studied dreams. According to him, dreams provide important encrypted information for past, present and future events.
Miller's analyses...

Some of these predictions really did come true but others were just too fantastical....