

Looking for information on Mars? Check out our latest articles on Mars.
Pyramids on MarsPyramids on Mars
According to surveys, it is entirely possible that on Mars lived civilization whose representatives have visited our planet Earth....
Mysterious Mars Rock Puzzles ScientistsMysterious Mars Rock Puzzles Scientists
The cameras of the Opportunity Mars rover, that has been operational on Mars for 10 years now, photographed an unusual rock, which set the scientific community ablaze....
Mega ocean existed on MarsMega ocean existed on Mars
\"Our data suggests that in the past heavy rain fell on Mars. We think Mars holds about one third of the planet\'s surface, \" advises Wei Luo....
Mars is Destroying its Moon PhobosMars is Destroying its Moon Phobos
But NASA models discovered that the channels formed as a result of the tidal forces of the gravity between Mars and Phobos....
The Figure On Mars is a WomanThe Figure On Mars is a Woman
If it can be proven that what was discovered on Mars belongs to sea animals, this will give undeniable proof that Mars harbored life in the past....
Palmistry - Meaning of the Line of MarsPalmistry - Meaning of the Line of Mars
The line of Mars has great significance in palmistry. The lines of Mars begin from the low areas of Mars or from the start of the line of life and continue on toward the Mount of Venus....
New Mars Discovery! Scientists Find Underground LakeNew Mars Discovery! Scientists Find Underground Lake
More specifically, the discovery was made using the Italian-developed MARSIS, which is mounted on the Mars Express orbiter....
Sensational! NASA Finds Life Forms on MarsSensational! NASA Finds Life Forms on Mars
The possibility remains that Mars may have once been inhabited by microorganisms or for them to even still exist on the planet....
The Countdown to the Mars Expedition BeginsThe Countdown to the Mars Expedition Begins
Only time will tell who will be the first in the race to send a man to Mars....
Mars is Retrograde - What to Watch Out forMars is Retrograde - What to Watch Out for
From April 18 to June 30, Mars will be in apparent backward motion between the signs Sagittarius and Scorpio....
Animals to Help Man Set Foot on MarsAnimals to Help Man Set Foot on Mars
Mars has a dry surface with rising dunes and never-ending dust storms which can break down the instruments on board the Curiosity rover....
Today Mars Will Come Maximally Close to EarthToday Mars Will Come Maximally Close to Earth
The Earth completes a full orbit around the Sun in 365 days and 6 hours, while Mars takes 687 days to complete its....
Smart Seaweed is the Key to Life on Mars!Smart Seaweed is the Key to Life on Mars!
Firstly, seaweed can ensure most of the oxygen required in the ships headed for Mars, as well as for an eventual future colony there....
It Can`t Be! Flying Bird Photographed on MarsIt Can`t Be! Flying Bird Photographed on Mars
It's taken a photo of a bird flying on Mars. The discovery was made by representatives of the Ufology group Disclose Screen....
Mars Enters Aries! Find out What to Prepare forMars Enters Aries! Find out What to Prepare for
In the next few weeks, Mars in Aries will be providing us large doses of energy, motivation and initiative....
The First Colonists on Mars to Live in IgloosThe First Colonists on Mars to Live in Igloos
Experts from NASA's research department have announced that in the future, people may be able to colonize the surface of Mars by inhabiting igloos....