
According to one Japanese technique every person can control their emotions just by holding on to a specific finger of their hand. The Japanese believe that each one of our fingers controls an emotion....

You're filled with fear
There are different sources of fear but if this strong emotion is not understood and overcome, it will lead to severe nervousness and anxiety that will destroy our emotional balance....

Emotional trauma Injustice - social mask Expressionless
When a person is unappreciated according to their real worth, they suffer from the emotional trauma of injustice....

Today is going to be quite an emotional day, as most planets are going to be in the water signs. Get ready for strong gusts of emotion and a great struggle between your feelings and reason....

What's even more surprising is that the eyebrows can play a role not only in emotional expression but in emotional perception as well....

He is a man who can’t hide his true self or his emotions, which makes him very predictable, but not quick to commit to something or someone if he is not really interested in it....

Whenever we dream of a living space - it represents the state of our psychology and our emotional life at that moment....

The actual gizmo is called Emospark and is made from so-called emotional processing units (EPU).
The new device can read emotions just by looking at facial expressions - there is a built-in camera....

Emotional energy
The third layer of our energy body is the emotional one. Centrally located, it encompasses our feelings and fears....

It turned out that the emotional moment in their dreams changed depending on the type of stimulant....

It's time to stabilize your personal life and emotions. Only by controlling your feelings will you be able to bring order to your relationship and focus on your work as well.
Gemini - Your emotions are raging today....

It turned out that the emotional moment in the dreams changed depending on the type of stimulation....

It's a fact that there are certain things influencing human behavior and emotions that are inexplicable. Or at least not everyone understands them....

In the emotional sense, waking up between 5 and 7 AM is a sign of severe anxiety....

It is preferred by prudent and cautious persons, who do not show their emotions....