Zodiac Signs

Zodiac Signs

Interesting articles and facts about the various representatives of the zodiac. Learn more about the qualities and actions that each zodiac is capable of on this page.
Unexpected Features of LeoUnexpected Features of Leo
20 Sept.
According to Leo, his vocation is to control the fates of others and to be loved by all. For Leo, admiration in the eyes of others is very important. Leo is unhappy if no one worships him.
The most insidious star signsThe most insidious star signs
15 Dec.
Those born under the sign of Aries are circumspect, but have a hot and explosive temper that distinguishes them, they can not knit a long network of intrigue.
Ophiuchus, the snake-carrierOphiuchus, the snake-carrier
15 Dec.
As a thirteenth zodiac sign, Ophiuchus will affect the development of life and on the personality traits of people who were born between November 29 and December 18.