Nature and basic principles of astrology. Find out what the arrangement of stars and numbers tells you, the day of birth, the location of planets and celestial bodies.
Aries - A happy and lucky year. Taurus - Small obstacles will test you. Gemini - Through persistence you will resolve all of your problems. Cancer - A wonderful year when it comes to love.
If they don't feel pressured, Sagittarians can show the good side of their character. They have a tendency to fall into philosophical contemplations but not all representatives of this sign are philosophers.
Aries - An active 2nd half of the week. The 1st days of the week will be hectic for you because of problems at home or the care that you are providing a loved one.
Capricorns need to remember that they must never allow events to take them by surprise. Their life's lesson is to learn to rely more on themselves instead of others.
Pisces - She is, hands-down, the most responsible mother. At times, the sacrifices she makes for her children are more than what is necessary. She takes care of them flawlessly in every regard.
A Sagittarius can be driven up the wall if their life sits in stagnation. They love changes and action and break down if they feel that they are no longer developing.
Many representatives of Scorpio realize themselves in the arts. Because of their calm countenance and strictness of character, they often appear cold and heartless in the eyes of others. But the truth is that they are among the most heartfelt.
Being obsessed in a particular aspect of life is typical for most people and according to astrology experts, these obsessions are determined by our zodiac sign.
The Virgo possesses an exceptionally developed sense of order. They are frugal, patient, stay-at-home types. They show interest toward the smallest details in life and in the family.
Geminis are highly observant. They generally say one thing and do another. They are easily influenced. They are thinkers, theorists, who love thoughts for what they are and not because they lead to anything concrete.
Representatives of Libra possess a critical type of nature and impartial judgment, they love to compare things. They seek harmony in life and become agitated whenever someone disrupts it.
A list composed by experts shows the dark side to each zodiac sign. The data is supported by historical examples and statistics of arrested representatives of the star signs, writes a foreign newspaper.