Leo - Traveling to a dreamed of destination and money problems in 2015
Your main problems throughout the year will have to do with money. New loans and old debts will cause you worry in 2015 but you'll be able to handle it only by showing a strong will and character and do not bend knee to your problems.
The 1st half of the year for you will be much more promising than the 2nd. You may end up traveling to a destination that you've dreamed of visiting for years. If you are already in love with someone, your relations will develop further this year. If you are single, you have the opportunity to start a relationship which will ultimately lead you to the altar.

Virgo - A prosperous year professionally
Expect getting ahead in your career throughout 2015. You will dominate at work and be at the forefront of many of the situations there. If you've been unable to find a job suitable for you, this will surely happen this year.
When it comes to love, completely harmonious relations with your partner lie ahead. If you do not have a partner by your side, a journey in 2015 will bring you a new romance as well.
Libra - A steady year without any big problems

A steady year in every single aspect awaits you. The problems will begin getting resolved one by one and you will enjoy more stress-free days without tension.
Throughout the year you will be expected to be more patient and not as arrogant, since this will prevent you from establishing contacts that are important for your work.
Your love life will not undergo major changes this year. Those who have a partner will continue with their relationship in the same manner and those who are alone can expect brief adventures.
Scorpio - A year of growth before you

This year you will accumulate serious revenue, especially during the 1st half of 2015. You won't encounter any major problems at work either, while earning the respect of your colleagues. If misunderstandings have come between you and your loved ones during the past year, they will be smoothed out this year.
Representatives of this sign that have a serious partner may get engaged this year. Persons who were unable to find a kindred spirit in 2014 will be given such an opportunity in 2015, where a random fling will grow into a serious and stable relationship.