Immerse yourself in the infinite universe and vast space with our curious publications on constellations, galaxies, black holes, planets, the solar system, and more. Are we alone in the universe?
What we know is that back in the early centuries, meteor showers were something quite strange and even terrifying to our ancestors. In ancient times, people would give meteors all sorts of meanings and see signs in them.
NASA has found running water at a narrow and nearly 328 ft (100 m) long salty water flow. The news was announced by the American space administration at a press conference aired around the world.
The Armstrong limit has wide implications in aviation and astronautics for the survival of pilots, paratroopers and astronauts in the event of a cockpit malfunction and if pressure regulators fail.
It's likely for Kepler-452b to have a denser atmosphere, contain more water and more active volcanoes. The exoplanet takes 385 days to complete a full orbit around its star, making its calendar year longer than ours.
With its approach of the dwarf planet, the space probe managed to take several photos that have already sparked a frenzy. In the photos taken earlier this year, we can see several large, bright and unexplained spots in an enormous rocky crater.
The new moon begins today at 5:13 PM. On this day, everything you wish for will come true. The new moon occurs on a different date each month. It is the beginning of the lunar cycle.
The appearance of comets is thought of as a bad omen in many cultures around the world. The appearance of a comet is often seen as a sign of destructive and tragic events, which will come to pass in the near future.