»Articles»Human soul

The soul, colored in blue, is clearly seen as it gradually leaves the human body....

Back in 2008 he announced that he had invented a camera capable of photographing the human soul. Since then this claim has been refuted by numerous experts....

From this it becomes clear that even though it is leaving its human form, the soul does not change in terms of its character and essence. No fundamental changes take place in it....

Knowing how hard life on Earth would be, God was compassionate and gave them lavender to provide relief and joy to the mind and soul....


The subject of the afterlife has always been among the most fascinating for humans. It has captured the imaginations of our ancestors for thousands of years and continues to bring up questions even today....

Quantum theory can explain what happens to the human soul after we die....

The Eskimos of Hudson Bay and Paetenians of Malaysia believe that during sleep the soul separates from the body and lives in the world of dreams....

Hitler was a complete nobody prior to his rising to fame and causing one of the greatest tragedies in human history. He tried his hand at studying and painting but failed all his exams....

According to ancient Eastern traditions, the human soul can be gathered even in the body of the animal. Those who were lying on the ground when death comes upon them is believed to transmigrate into animals....

In the course of development of consciousness comes because of the need to gain more experience and knowledge, the soul is divided into two parts, two things that go down in human form separately and are rarely detected at...

In this age, at present, 1923, there is not sufficient credence given dreams; for the best development of the human family is to give the greater increase in knowledge of the subconscious, soul or spirit world....

His study showed that the human soul is something much more fundamental than a pile of clustered neurons....


Through this process the soul manages to cleanse its karma to a great extent and achieve enlightenment....

In ancient times it was believed that the praying mantis is a soul that has not been reborn in a human body, but the body of an insect between two incarnations in human form....