

Looking for information on Hinduism? Check out our latest articles on Hinduism.
Dream Meanings According to HinduismDream Meanings According to Hinduism
According to Hinduism, our dreams are something more than plain visual pictures that our subconsciousness "draws"; they are an indication of our past, present and future....
The History of Mankind is a Weave of Cycles?The History of Mankind is a Weave of Cycles?
Seeded within the religion of the Hindus is the idea of samsara - the cycle of birth and death in the physical worlds....
Krishna - God of JusticeKrishna - God of Justice
The Krishna system of learning originates from Hinduism....
African Exorcist: Beautiful Women are Possessed by Demons More OftenAfrican Exorcist: Beautiful Women are Possessed by Demons More Often
It's been practiced for thousands of years and is common not only in Islam but in Christianity, Hinduism and other religions. The individuals who perform the ritual are clergy or have some type of special powers....
Who was I in my past lifeWho was I in my past life
These are Hinduism and Buddhism. They consider it an essential part of reality. Kabbalah constantly mentions the existence of reincarnation....
Quantum Theory Explains What Happens to the Soul After DeathQuantum Theory Explains What Happens to the Soul After Death
This idea is stressed in certain religions, including Buddhism and Hinduism. According to these, consciousness is an integral part of the universe....
Three-Eyed Calf-God Born in IndiaThree-Eyed Calf-God Born in India
In Hinduism, Shiva is considered to be one of the primary forms of God and the patron god of yoga and the arts. The owner of the cow and its calf feels very proud and happy because of the event....
Who Was I in a Past Life?Who Was I in a Past Life?
Such as Hinduism and Buddhism. In these, rebirth is seen as a major part of reality. The existence of reincarnation is constantly mentioned in the Kabbalah as well....
How We Bring Bad Karma to Ourselves by Spreaking NegativelyHow We Bring Bad Karma to Ourselves by Spreaking Negatively
The concept of karma is a fundamental belief in many spiritual and religious traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism....
The Mystery of Dvaraka, the City of KrishnaThe Mystery of Dvaraka, the City of Krishna
Its name is seen in ancient Hindu texts, where it is described as the birthplace of Krishna, one of the supreme deities of Hinduism....
Hindu dream meaning interpretationsHindu dream meaning interpretations
According to Hinduism, our dreams are something more than just visual pictures that our subconscious "paints", they are an indication of our past, present and future....
Mythological Ways of Achieving ImmortalityMythological Ways of Achieving Immortality
In Hinduism, amrita is a nectar created by the gods and their rivals - the asuras or antigods. The magical elixir guarantees immortality but only masters of yoga can actually use it....
Macabre Religious RitesMacabre Religious Rites
This way, Hindus believe, they are transformed into a gift for their favored deity. Sky burials - Tibet For orthodox Buddhists in Tibet, the body is just a shell. It is no longer needed after death....