Law of Attraction

Law of attraction

Law of gravity or the so called law of attraction states that positive or negative thoughts attract positive and negative events in people's lives.

The law exists in New Thought philosophy as the pseudo-Christian occult trend popular in the United States in the first half of the 20th century. The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are made of pure energy and by directing the energy correctly, one can change one's health, relationships and other aspects of life.

Proponents of the theory most often use visualization and refraction to transform negative thoughts and destructive thoughts into positive thoughts. A key factor in this philosophy is that in order to significantly change negative situations, one must feel (through visualization and affirmations), that changes have already occurred.

It is believed that such a combination of positive thoughts and emotions allows you to attract positive opportunities and life experiences.

The term Law of Attraction first appeared in print in 1877 in a book by Elena Blavatsky, a Russian philosopher, occultist and writer. Her book Isis Unveiled or Isis Unveiled, written in English, reveals the religious aspects of the philosophical works of Plato, Plotinus, Pythagoras, Paracelsus, Giordano Bruno and others, the classical religious texts of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, etc., in order to recognize Hermetic philosophy as the only key to the Absolute in Science and Theology.

Thomas Trouard also made a major contribution to the development of the theory. A number of his books revealed the natural principles governing the relationship between mental activity and the state of matter. With his teaching he tried to provide a reasonable starting point for the practical study of this subject.

In the 20th century, after the appearance of impressive publications by Helena Blavatsky and Thomas Troward, the theory attracted more attention, as a result a large list of authors published their views on the theory. In their works, they often describe their personal experience of applying the law in life. The most widely used books are: Think and Grow Rich (1937) by Napoleon Hill and The Power of Positive Thinking (1952) by Norman Peel.

In the 21st century, the theory became more widespread with the release of the film The Secret (2006), which was later released in book format in 2007. The film and book gained much public attention for the theory that it is the power of thought that attracts to us the positive or negative events in our life.

Positive thinking is not about denying reality. Positive thinking is being aware of problems and difficult situations, but still managing to make the best of even the worst of times. This is how the law of attraction works. When things are hard for us, we should think about the good that will come. That way our troubles are just a bad moment that quickly passes. We have managed to attract something better for ourselves.

All people who are successful in a certain areas have something to teach us. Positive thinking is one of the basic rules for success in life. If you don't have this ability, you go to bed thinking life is hard and wake up thinking life is impossible, you only attract negativity.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

Stress is just the presence of problems, the presence of challenges in our lives. Do not try to eliminate problems! You will not succeed! Learn to control your emotions in the face of these problems.

Positive thinking and the law of attraction

Let's say the company you work for is approaching bankruptcy. You see yourself on the street and all that comes to your mind is one thought: What am I doing? My life is ruined! It goes on and on in your mind and torments and poisons you. You already feel the fear with your whole body. You are writhing inside with fear and negativity.

If you focus on the problem, you will not let the mind think outside of that problem. Imagine you cut your hand and have a wound. If your mind is only on that wound, you feel the pain of the cut. But if you're looking for disinfectant and a bandage, your mind is distracted by this situation and the pain seems bearable.

If you keep repeating in your mind that "I'm sure he's going to kick me out, " then your mind can't think of anything else. You will not see a solution, there is no solution, because you are too busy with the obsessive idea that you are repeating.

What does an optimist do?

He forgets about this problem and says, "Tomorrow will be better." He doesn't know how or why, but his thought makes him find solutions. A calm mind finds solutions. An obsessed mind can't get away from the problem, so it can't see the whole picture.

The pessimistic mind sits by the wound, by the cut and cries. If it moved away from there, it would be able to see many solutions.

In the first stage, you begin to feel tired faster. Then you find yourself with an excessive appetite and an inability to lose weight.

You have an appetite that appears in stressful situations, because you no longer feel emotional satisfaction. We are strange creatures. If we don't get emotions that make us spiritually fulfilled, we end up settling for just a lot of food.

Then we feel sorry for ourselves and complain every morning when we get out of bed. If, when you get out of bed, you have to put your hand on the wall to support yourself, it means that the energy has not fully accumulated overnight.

Lack of sexual desire is another consequence of negative thinking. It most often appears due to prolonged fatigue and constant stress.

Addiction to sugar, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, drugs. When we don't have enough will to give up something like that, it means that somewhere we lose that will. Fatigue and stress are causing this loss of energy and willpower.

Difficulty concentrating and memorizing are another thing that accompanies negative thinking. And because of your bad emotions, you yourself have brought about the destruction of your life and you don't even know if it makes sense to feel bad.

How to overcome negative thinking. How to attract the positive in our life?

1. Have more fun

Positive thinking

Having fun lowers the amount of adrenaline in the body, so it reduces the anxiety you feel, so without having so much excitement... you can finally calm down. Once you calm down, the mind can see solutions, not just problems. This is how the law of attraction works in your favor.

2. Try active and passive relaxation

Positive thinking cannot find ground in a restless mind, says Marius Simeon - personal development specialist. You need relaxation to calm the agitation of your body and the agitation of your mind. Excited people are never happy. They tremble as if someone is taking food from their mouths. A calm person has a smile on their face and you can tell by their face, that they are happy.

3. Feel loved

What did you do to feel loved today? How many minutes did you feel loved today and how did you make someone else feel your love? When you are stressed, rather apply this rule. If you don't have someone to love now, no problem. Remember a time when you felt loved and experienced this moment

The brain does not distinguish between imagination and reality.

4. Seek support

It is important here to be able to let go of pride in order to satisfy the need for help. Then there's something else: asking the right people for support. In general, we have a bad habit of surrounding ourselves with people who have exactly the same problems as us and asking them for their support.

Do something else! Find someone who has really overcome this problem of pessimism and ask for support now.

Read more: how to charge yourself with positive energy and how to attract luck
