»Choosen Collections»Nigerian Pastors Seen in Hell
Nigerian Pastor comes back from Hell
Two angels accompanied him to the sky then descended into the Hell. In hell the Pastor heard the experiences of the sinners desperation....
Where in the World is Hell Cold?
While in the greater part of Europe and Asia the representation of death is a grim reaper with a scythe, in Latin America it is seen as a happy, smiling...
In Which Circle of Hell will Each Zodiac Sign Burn?
Their punishment is to burn in the fires of Hell while demons hit them with whips....
Famous People who Say They Have Seen UFOs
Regardless if the witness had seen a mysterious being just a few feet away or caught a glimpse of a potential spacecraft of theirs high in the sky...
Scientists Created a Model of Hell
Scientists managed to recreate the appearance of Hell on Earth in a laboratory setting....
Dreams of Hell and the Abyss
If you dream that you enter into hell but then get out of it completely unharmed, this means that brief complications are awaiting you in your love...
At Devil`s Bath you Can Smell Hell Itself
Devil's Bath is a place shrouded in intriguing legends but it is one not everyone can visit, for the stink it produces will take you to Hell itself...
The 4 Gates to Hell and Where to Find them
The Door to Hell (Turkmenistan)
The closest match to the conventional image of a gate to hell is the Door to Hell in Turkmenistan....
Who put in the chips in humans?UFO researchers have a long list of cases in which random X-ray examinations in humans show that implants were found at various locations around their...
Giant bones discovered in a cave in BavariaAfter seen to be the largest of the tribe, some were moved to reserves....
Energy in skins
Unusually strong cleansing properties of water are loaded into the skin of aquatic animals....
Loops in time
In 1997 Kurt Reiner, twenty-five year old man entered, limping, in the thermal park "Garden of Poseidon." Kurt was all in dirt and mud....
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