UFO researchers and representatives of the traditional science continue to debate the actual information they are receiving from all over the world. Especially, for the implantation of the mysterious mini-transmitters of extraterrestrial origin into the human bodies.
UFO researchers have a long list of cases in which random X-ray examinations in humans show that implants were found at various locations around their body. They do not cause discomfort, and as already mentioned, their holders are not aware of their existence and it is the X-ray that detects them.

For an interesting case are people with chips embedded in their bodies, the American doctor Maddy Nolan tells. Uidbey the island, Washington, she came across a whole group of men and women. In absolutely all the cases the doctors located the implanted chips inside the thigh, just above the knee.
The chips are a small cylinder shape. They were very close to the skin, which issued them with mild irritation and redness.
Dr. Nolan spoke to all the people and found that they all had the same memory, that they were located in an unfamiliar brightly lit room, and were there for about 2 hours.
Experiments were conducted to establish the composition of microchips. Chemical analysis of the mysterious product found that it is close to the composition of chips used in computer technology. Maybe they have similar functions? Tracking the whereabouts of people to monitor their physical condition to perform the necessary connection, but by whom?
The answer to this question is still out there somewhere ...