This story begins on November 29th, 2001 when Daniel, a Nigerian Pastor became ruthless with his wife.
Emotions kept him from strife and he left the house that evening. On returning home the next evening he crashed his car into a concrete pillar. Driving without his seat belt proved serious as all the force from the crash struck his chest from the steering wheel.

After a few seconds his body began to heavily bleed and he began to struggle with his breathing. A driver of a passing car stopped to help and telephoned an ambulance. However his fate was inevitable and Daniel on seeing his life pass before him prayed to Lord for his forgiveness and asked for him to care for his wife.
Daniel was officially declared dead at midnight on November the 30th.
The body of the Pastor was taken home to his fathers relatives and mourners gathered to forgive him. From there Daniel was transported to the county morgue. Attendants treated his body with the necessary chemicals designed to extend the process of decomposition.
About two hours after midnight a nurse from the morgue, could here songs coming from the room that occupied the dead bodies. When she opened the door to the room the male voices stopped.
However curiosity over took her and she decided to find out where the song was coming from.
She noticed a strange light over the face of Daniel. She decided that she should inject more chemicals into his body to slow the decomposition process and noticed on trying to inject his thigh that his body rejected it and encountered the resistance of his body.
The nurse was numb with terror that she called the father of Daniel and ordered him to retract his "dead" sons body.

That very same night, the wife of Daniel had a strange dream. Her husband appeared with the words: "I am not dead".
Once risen the Pastor Daniel told his relatives that when he entered the ambulance he really ended up in the afterlife.
Two angels accompanied him to the sky then descended into the Hell. In hell the Pastor heard the experiences of the sinners desperation. He was able to see their faces even though everything was wrapped in impenetrable darkness.
"If your earthly deeds are sinful, you'll find yourself here, " threatened one of the Angels.
The pastor remembered for his wife's relatives, and began to weep. The Angels spoke again: "Stop wailing. The Lord will return you to the earth''.