The pearl of the Persian Gulf, Dubai, will soon attain a new acquisition, never before seen in the rest of the world. Local authorities are planning to have robotized police officers patrolling the streets of the Arabian megalopolis starting in 2017.
The news was announced by the BBC and it wasn't part of its science fiction segment but completely reliable information. The police robots will be walking the streets of Dubai and helping locals and tourists in need.
The project is well underway. The 1st prototypes have already been built. Final tests are being done at the moment and the 1st Arabian RoboCop is expected to begin its patrol in March 2017.
The innovative project is part of a program whose culmination will take place at the World Expo in 2020 in Dubai under the motto "Connecting Minds, Creating the Future".
At the Expo, we can expect to have never-before-seen technologies presented and machines that we've only read about in science fiction novels.

The Robocops will be fundamentally different from Paul Verhoeven’s classic "RoboCop". The machines won't be able to do impressive stunts, chase criminals or carry a weapon. Their function will be entirely directed at providing tourists with information and a quick link to a police call center.
With the World Expo in Dubai, the emirs of the United Arab Emirates plan for the pearl in their crown to become the most visited city in the world.
The megalopolis will be the 1st city in the Near East to host an event of this scale. The other cities that competed with Dubai for this privilege were Yekaterinburg in Russia, São Paulo in Brazil and Izmir in Turkey.
The event is part of a planned strategy for developing Dubai tourism called "Tourism Vision 2020" with the set goal of the UAE having 20 million visitors annually by around 2020.