Living in a hectic pace, you often feel exhausted and tired and have no strength to sit. It’s difficult for us to get up early in the morning to work, take care of our appearance, the house, etc.
To exit this state, you have to change things by attacking fatigue. Think positively. Do not waste energy thinking about trifles that irritated you.
Use energetic music and feel the rush of power. Dance to chase away fatigue and apathy. Even if you have to work seated a few minutes if you listen to good music, feel the power.

Learn to wake up properly. Once you wake up, the first thing you need to do is to stretch like a cat. Then your muscles are stretched and get energized.
Start your day with a glass of clean water and something tasty, but at the same time useful - fruit, vegetables, cheese. Try to replace coffee with green tea.
Do gymnastics every morning. This will help to tighten the allocation of work on your muscles and will offer not only tone, but a firm body.
Use essential oils with energizing action that can flavor the room in which you work. Energizing action have essential oils of chamomile, lavender, rosemary, mint.
It is mandatory to walk ten minutes in the fresh air on your lunch break. Even if you have a lot of work, it is good to take a break outside to feel the rush of energy.
Monotonous work sitting down has a relaxing effect and is even a sleep inducer, so it's not surprising that you feel tired.