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Freud's Dream Dictionary - Part 2Freud's Dream Dictionary - Part 2
22 Oct.
That which we dream shows our subconscious desires and fears, according to psychoanalysis. It is because of this that the experts have written a dream dictionary, interpreting the most popular dream images....
Stegomastodon Skull Discovered at Bachelor PartyStegomastodon Skull Discovered at Bachelor Party
23 June
A group of men who were celebrating their friend's bachelor party accidentally happened upon the skull of a stegomastodon during the party in Albuquerque, USA....
Dream CatalystsDream Catalysts
28 May
There are many ways to make your dreams brighter and more significant. Such dreams carry more information in them and are easier to remember. To do this, so-called dream catalysts are used....
Why Do We Dream?Why Do We Dream?
23 Nov.
Dreams are important to our real life. Learn also how to control our dreams and how to remember our dreams....
Hindu dream meaning interpretationsHindu dream meaning interpretations
24 June
Dreams have always been a mystery to people. Why do we dream and what do our dreams mean, these are questions that people ask themselves since the ancient times....
Sigmund Freud's Dream DictionarySigmund Freud's Dream Dictionary
21 Oct.
Based on Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, dreams reveal our subconscious fears and desires. It is by using these messages in our dreams that we can find out our subconscious thoughts....
Injury DreamsInjury Dreams
23 June
The patient reported no dreams, not even when she wakes during the so-called REM phase. Apparently, the occipital part of the brain that was damaged in the patient, play a role in the emergence of dreams....
Flying DreamsFlying Dreams
03 Aug.
Being unaware at the time you feel aware of the dream only says that one is unaware of being in touch with the lucid dream however on the same token during a flying dream we make the connection with the lucid dream as one...
Dream that you are pregnant?Dream that you are pregnant?
22 Mar.
To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes part of you or your life, which develops and grows, but maybe you\'re not ready to talk about it yet. It may also be associated with a new idea or making a new purpose....
Dream Meanings According to HinduismDream Meanings According to Hinduism
14 May
Dreams have always been a mystery to people. Why we dream and what our dreams symbolize are questions which people have been asking since ancient times....
Dream Meanings According to IslamDream Meanings According to Islam
14 May
Most likely, they are simply the result of the human mind, which creates various dreams due to stress and a strenuous life. The third type of dreams are real dreams, sent by Allah or angels....
What do Blind People Dream of?What do Blind People Dream of?
02 June
Among the greatest mysteries related to dreams is the question of what blind people dream of. How does the brain of an individual who can't see build up their environment?...
How to Recognize a Prophetic DreamHow to Recognize a Prophetic Dream
23 Sept.
Moreover, these dreams are remembered very well, to the smallest details....
Several hypotheses about why we dreamSeveral hypotheses about why we dream
20 May
In dreams we often realize our own dreams are to remind us of something or are to enable us to protect someone. Mankind think this can actually work. Genius ideas are shown to some during their dreams....
Women dream more nightmares than menWomen dream more nightmares than men
25 Mar.
Another study concluded that women dream more often of family members, they have more negative emotions and less aggression than in the dreams of men....
Dreams About WorkDreams About Work
06 Feb.
See more important dream interpretations according to our dream book....
Fountain of dreamsFountain of dreams
19 Dec.
In the dream we go there and we can communicate through our dreams with the rest of the universe. Our energies and our inspiration comes from this particular source....
Dreams of FoodDreams of Food
23 Sept.
If you see melted butter or margarine in a dream, this is a warning that it will be difficult for you to transform your dreams into reality because you are simply lacking the perseverance for it....
Dreams of BirdsDreams of Birds
30 July
Birds in dreams symbolize hidden desires and hopes. Birds in dreams are intermediaries between the conscious and subconscious of a person....
Colors in DreamsColors in Dreams
18 June
A brown color in a dream signifies family happiness and calm. If you are dressed in brown in your dream, this portends attaining wealth soon....
Dreams About HairDreams About Hair
25 Apr.
If in your dream, you put a lot of gel in your hair, this reveals your willingness to smooth out relations with a person close to you. If your hair is falling in your dream, this shows that you are depressed....
Read People’s Nature from Parts of Their FaceRead People’s Nature from Parts of Their Face
11 Mar.
Circular shape ones mean one who loves to dream, but is a bit lazy on actions. The size of the forehead also shows a lot....
Humans Play No Part in Global WarmingHumans Play No Part in Global Warming
19 Aug.
There has been global warming going on for the past 10 000 years. This fact is at odds with the claim that it is caused by human activities, writes the Daily Mail newspaper, quoting American scientists. Scientists from...
Everyone dreams, but most of your dreams are forgottenEveryone dreams, but most of your dreams are forgotten
31 Mar.
Everyone dreams but men and women have different dreams and different physical reactions. Men dream more often of women, while women dream both of men and women....
What Does a Dream of Being in a Taxi Mean?What Does a Dream of Being in a Taxi Mean?
10 Oct.
For the correct interpretation of a dream, you need to be familiar with the symbolism you see in the world of dreams. Those who dream that they're riding in a taxi can expect their business to pick up very soon....