

Looking for information on Laughter? Check out our latest articles on Laughter.
The Unsuspected Power of LaughterThe Unsuspected Power of Laughter
It is called laughter. Laughter is a universal medicine, has no negative side effects and can be administered frequently and in large doses....
How to Increase your Daily Dose of LaughterHow to Increase your Daily Dose of Laughter
Another unique way to obtain your daily dose of laughter is to pretend that you're laughing. Surprisingly, "fake" laughter has the same beneficial effect on the body as genuine laughter....
Laugh, so I Can Tell you What you're LikeLaugh, so I Can Tell you What you're Like
Laughter is good for your health, it is a sign of a lively spirit and good mood. It also turns out that you can find a great deal about someone's personality based on their laughter....
Unexplainable Human ActionsUnexplainable Human Actions
Laughter For psychologists, laughter is a behavioral response which shows positive emotions and brings each member of a group closer. Besides humans, chimpanzees and orangutans also laugh....
Ghosts appear in the White HouseGhosts appear in the White House
Guests claim to have heard noises from the slam of doors, sounds of footsteps and eerie barks of laughter or dogs....
Feng Shui principles for better communicationFeng Shui principles for better communication
Humor can act as crystal and turn tension into laughter. Send back the image. Sometimes people do not realize how negative energy can be emitted....
Meet the Three-Year-Old Girl who Never SleepsMeet the Three-Year-Old Girl who Never Sleeps
Other symptoms include random outbursts of laughter, seizures, difficulties walking, speaking and sudden shaking....
Medusa the GorgonMedusa the Gorgon
Medusa's joyous laughter and beauty brought about Athena's wrath and she transformed her and her sisters into horrible winged monsters covered with scales, with snakes instead of hair and huge yellow tusks, like those...
These are the 3 Zodiac Signs That Get Offended Most EasilyThese are the 3 Zodiac Signs That Get Offended Most Easily
These zodiac signs are more sensitive to other people's words and would rarely burst into laughter if you make fun of, albeit in a light-hearted manner, their weaknesses....
Asian New Year traditionsAsian New Year traditions
At midnight the Japanese begin to laugh, as they believe that laughter will bring them luck in the new year. On the first of January, they visit a temple bell which is rung one hundred and eight times....
Techniques for Achieving Inner Peace and TranquilityTechniques for Achieving Inner Peace and Tranquility
Work on your sense of humor Laughter is the key to a better and more meaningful life. It will help you see the better side of life. 8. Set goals in your life Achieving them will help you feel better. 9....
How to Call Forth a GhostHow to Call Forth a Ghost
Spiritual seances cannot be called science and even though they are viewed with disregard and mocking laughter by the majority of people, they remain the best methods for summoning a ghost....
Sleep Disorders: narcolepsySleep Disorders: narcolepsy
Cataplexy is an uncontrollable condition often caused by high emotions, usually positive, excitement and laughter, although sometimes a surprise like fear and anger....
Signs That your Guardian Angel is Warning you of DangerSigns That your Guardian Angel is Warning you of Danger
You hear a scream or sinister laughter from somewhere Should this happen, don't stay out late today. There's a danger of you being attacked by a pickpocket or someone abusing intoxicating substances....
Pick a Gemstone and See What it RevealsPick a Gemstone and See What it Reveals
Jasper You need more fun, entertainment and laughter. You're trying to put yourself within limits of some kind but the routine and grey everyday are not for you....
Napping in the Afternoon Can Kill usNapping in the Afternoon Can Kill us
Also let us not forget that laughter increases life expectancy....