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Died in 1920 and still looks like a little girl who is aliveDied in 1920 and still looks like a little girl who is alive
15 Feb.
According to the monks er calves where the mixture was scored into her arteries often radiates aromas of flowers. The monks say that sometimes they have the feeling that the child breathes....
How to Increase Our Motivation Levels?How to Increase Our Motivation Levels?
16 Nov.
There is a system that includes several practical steps that will help increase your motivation levels and achieve whatever goal you set for yourself. In the following lines, see how to raise your motivation levels in...
How to Be More Successful?How to Be More Successful?
21 Nov.
It is difficult for a person to achieve what they wants in life and that is why not everyone achieves their dream. In most cases success is the fruit of effort, labor and time, of dedication to the goal pursued, of perseverance...
Scientists Connect Monkey Brains to a ComputerScientists Connect Monkey Brains to a Computer
25 Aug.
American scientists from Duke University have created a biological computer by connecting the brains of several monkeys into a single system, capable of solving simple tasks and problems. The scientific discovery...
What We Like Seems Closer to usWhat We Like Seems Closer to us
20 Nov.
We always think we see things as they are. But according to the latest psychological studies made by scientists from New York and Cornell Universities it becomes clear that our desires affect our view of the world. For...
Practical Tips for a Carefree and Fulfilling LifePractical Tips for a Carefree and Fulfilling Life
14 Dec.
Life often puts us before serious difficulties but sometimes we complicate it further when we, say, start living in the past. Or when we refuse to accept things as they are, simply because we're powerless to change them...
How Does the Body React After Spending 340 Days in Space?How Does the Body React After Spending 340 Days in Space?
10 Mar.
Astronauts Scott Kelly and Mikhail Kornienko have returned to Earth after a full 340 days in Space. They have shed light on how the human body reacts to such an extended period of 0 gravity. Immediately after their...
The Zodiac Signs that Ruin Their Own LivesThe Zodiac Signs that Ruin Their Own Lives
28 Mar.
Life is the most precious gift there is. But so many people spend it without finding any meaning or a suitable way of living it. There are 5 zodiac signs that often have no idea what to do with themselves and what they...
The First Robotized Farm Begins Operation in 2017The First Robotized Farm Begins Operation in 2017
09 Feb.
A Japanese company is planning to cut costs by using robot workers. The plain is to have the world's first robotized farm begin operation within 2 years. Spread Co., based in Kyoto, has set the ambitious goal of creating...
The Zodiac Signs That Have the Best Chances of Getting RichThe Zodiac Signs That Have the Best Chances of Getting Rich
16 June
You can find out whether you have the qualities for accumulating vast wealth by looking at your zodiac sign. Check below to see if the stars have bestowed you with the right gifts - if that's the case, act boldly....
Our Character According to the Viking HoroscopeOur Character According to the Viking Horoscope
16 June
The Viking horoscope has to do with the gods of Scandinavian mythology. It is believed that each one of the gods controls the fate of different people, with the god ruler being determined depending on the time period...
Classical Literature Helps us Read ThoughtsClassical Literature Helps us Read Thoughts
06 Aug.
Science magazine has published results, according to which readers scored the most points in empathy tests....
Find out What the Future has in Store for you with the Nostradamus CircleFind out What the Future has in Store for you with the Nostradamus Circle
10 Mar.
The prophecies of French seer and astrologer Michel de Nostredame (Nostradamus) have gained ever wider popularity over the years. Many of them have become reality today and his circle method can allow you to see what is coming...
Numerology: Personal Number 6Numerology: Personal Number 6
03 Aug.
Your personal number can be determined by adding up all of the digits of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number. This is your personal number, which determines your fate...
Shoulder We be Afraid of Dreams about Graveyards?Shoulder We be Afraid of Dreams about Graveyards?
02 Mar.
Graveyards don't usually spark pleasant emotions, rather they are usually linked to despair, tears and fear. It's no surprise then for one to fall into a panic and worry if they should dream of graveyards. But dreams...
Gemini Woman and Gemini Man Love CompatibilityGemini Woman and Gemini Man Love Compatibility
31 Jan.
Gemini are deeply curious by nature, they love intellectual puzzles, have a sense of humor and can handle any irony or jokes aimed at them. They have their own views about life and follow them strictly. This is particularly...
Everyday Paradoxes Explained by PsychologyEveryday Paradoxes Explained by Psychology
11 May
For kids who scored average, he said that they were highly intelligent....
Dreaming of snakesDreaming of snakes
31 Mar.
Killing a snake during the sleep is a sign that you are willing to do anything to achieve your interests and to get the highest score of those around you....
The Fate of CapricornThe Fate of Capricorn
04 Dec.
Capricorns need to remember that they must never allow events to take them by surprise. Their life's lesson is to learn to rely more on themselves instead of others. The Capricorn carries with him the ambition of getting...
The Fate of ScorpioThe Fate of Scorpio
26 Nov.
Scorpio's strength is dynamic. They are capable of subjecting others to their will and always pursue their goal persistently. Representatives of this sign need to always act in secret and watch out for rivalry and envy...
Who Was I in a Past Life?Who Was I in a Past Life?
06 Nov.
There isn't a person on this Earth who hasn't thought about whether reincarnation exists and who they might have been in a past life. We live in a material world, which we are connected to and depend on. However, we must...
Your Horoscope for Today - August 25Your Horoscope for Today - August 25
25 Aug.
Starting today, the Moon begins its journey through Gemini, which will whet our appetite for knowledge, while the information we receive will be beneficial for our goals. Aries - Your battles today will not at all...
The Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Mean in NatureThe Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Mean in Nature
05 May
The Fibonacci sequence is perhaps the simplest sequence found in nature. It goes as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144... or in other words each number is the sum of the preceding 2 numbers. This is an...
How to Believe in Ourselves AgainHow to Believe in Ourselves Again
03 Feb.
Sometimes we just lose confidence in our own abilities. We can't get anything done because everything we start falls apart. Often this happens after a person is subjected to tremendous stress from a breakup, losing a...
The Stone of Love: Rose QuartzThe Stone of Love: Rose Quartz
30 Nov.
Precious and semi-precious stones are unique natural formations, a gift of nature. They serve to make beautiful ornaments or to produce various tools for the fine processing of other natural raw materials. Stones also...