Starting today, the Moon begins its journey through Gemini, which will whet our appetite for knowledge, while the information we receive will be beneficial for our goals.
Aries - Your battles today will not at all be easy but remember that your hard work is all for a better future. Get your priorities straight and come up with a clear plan to follow. Alongside your work, you have to have a specific plan in front of you, to remind you of the final destination and the deadline you have for achieving it.
Taurus - Even if today you see the first positive results of your effort over the past few weeks, don't rush to celebrate and relax because you're still in the middle of the change you are pursuing. Don't be afraid to delve deep into your problems because this will help you resolve them without worrying about them any longer.

Gemini - Someone close to you is going to be giving you conflicting messages, confusing you regarding your goal. One minute the situation will seem suitable for taking action and in the next you'll feel that it would be better to just forget about your dream. This dilemma is giving you the opportunity to look at your goals from a new perspective and simultaneously prepare for both a good and bad outcome.
Cancer - Today you have the opportunity to take the first step toward a plan long in the making. Focus on the final goal and don't let anything distract you, so you don't miss the good opportunity before you. It will be difficult to control your emotions and reactions today, so don't take on too many responsible tasks.
Leo - You're easily going to find like-minded individuals today and this will make carrying out your goals significantly easier. But this doesn't mean that you can get away from your personal responsibilities, by leaving your work for others. Get to work on your share of the tasks and try to finish them on time.
Virgo - Use the day to improve your skills, as this is the best method by which to move forward. You have the chance for change but new opportunities will come from an unexpected source. Don't worry, instead take advantage of these new things in order to move forward.

Libra - No matter how great your efforts, today you're going to feel like your problems are coming back again and again. Seek a solution to the situation you've fallen into by sharing and talking to your closest friends and loved ones. Someone among them may give you valuable advice for resolving your troubles.
Scorpio - Today you may be criticized more often than usual due to little oversights at work or in your obligations at home. What's important is to remember your long-term goals and be confident in yourself, without paying any serious attention to others' opinions. No one's perfect, plus the best way to show you're right is through successes and not unnecessary arguments.
Sagittarius - What's important is to act quickly today and immediately take advantage of a suitable opportunity as soon as you see it because if you delay you may end up doubting your decision and miss it. Don't give up on your dreams or hesitate, instead boldly head toward the goal.
Capricorn - Forget about any limitations and start to think more creatively - this way you'll find the solution to your troubles. Follow your boldest ideas today because they will lead you to the achievements you dream of. Spontaneity is your key to resolving issues today.
Aquarius - You must first come up with a vision of the future before you take specific actions toward realizing your dreams. Lay out a framework to show you the way forward. Only by having a clear-cut path and tasks ordered ahead of time will you be able to realize what you have in mind.
Pisces - Consult with others if you have to make an important decision today. Their criticisms may seem a bit harsh but it's important to hear an opinion about your past mistakes, so you don't repeat them. You don't have to radically change your goals but you can think about methods for realizing them.