
Researchers have discovered that the human brain reacts much quicker to information related to our loved ones and friends than messages related to people we don't know....

If you're starting a new project or have been appointed to a new job and you dream of a friend of yours, the project will be successful.
But if you dream of a beggar, don't expect anything good to happen....

The first experiments with animals for research purposes date all the way back to 500 BC. In the 19th century, there were experiments done on dogs, and a little later, some done on fruit flies, roundworms and others. Today...

But a Chinese company has raised the bar by creating the first of its kind household humanoid robot which will quickly turn into man's best friend. It's small in size and can be described as an innovative pet....

They build truly impressive friendly relations. Scorpios become so engrossed in their friends that they learn even the smallest details about them....


At the same time, she is intelligent and most of the time very friendly. However, she is highly emotional and attached....


Friends are a symbol of support and having fun. Whenever you dream of a friend, pay notice to your relations with that person in real life....

On the outside, persons of the Scorpio ascendant are kind and friendly. But when the situation calls for it, they rapidly become confident and bold....

Pisces - A meeting with old friends
This week you may get a visit from friends or relatives that you haven't seen in a long while....

Every person gets revenge a different way, depending on their zodiac sign, when they feel affected, whether the offense came from someone they hardly know or their closest friend....

The female representative of the Aquarius zodiac sign may not have too many friends but she gets along so well with the friends of her sweetheart, that they seem more like people from her own group of friends, causing her...

Tonight you can meet up with friends and go to a nice restaurant....

You are an exceptional friend
You can quickly create a connection with people because you are cheerful and friendly. You always look on the bright side of life and are irreplaceable in times of crisis....

If they become someone's friend, it's forever.
Persons with a personal number 6 only feel good when they are surrounded by friends. For them it's a true pleasure to have guests in their home everyday....