This week, the retrograde Mercury goes back into Gemini, which will have a negative effect on short-distance travels and communication. Venus and Jupiter will form a sextile, which will influence love relationships.
Starting this week, the Sun enters into Cancer, which will focus most people's attention toward the family, home and loved ones.
Aries - Pay closer attention to your home
On Saturday, the Sun transitions into Cancer, which will focus Aries' attention toward the home. Now is a suitable time for remodeling or other activities related to your home. This week will present you a wonderful business opportunity as well, but before you make any agreements, negotiate carefully.
Taurus - An old friend needs you

Many problems that need to be resolved await you this week. Mercury's retrogradation advises you to avoid purchasing expensive things and to be careful when signing documents. This week, it is possible for an old friend to seek you out, who has need of your aid and support.
Gemini - Be more tactful and diplomatic
This week, the retrograde Mercury enters into the sign of Gemini, which will mess up your plans for a time. Representatives of this sign need to be more tactful and diplomatic than usual, in order to avoid problems. Be careful on the love front as well because there is a chance for your partner to be keeping a huge secret from you.
Cancer - You will come into contact with the right people
This Saturday, the Sun will enter into your sign, which will give you the necessary boost and energy to make your plans a reality. Cancers will make contact with the right people, whose collaboration will lead to many beneficial arrangements.
Leo - Be suspicious of any new information
The retrograde Mercury advises you not to take on any risky financial operations this week. Be more suspicious of any new information you receive because it might be inaccurate. Starting Saturday, you can breathe a sigh of relief and relax.

Virgo - You will enjoy being with your friends
Professionally, slight problems dealing with documents and your reputation will arise but in the social aspect, the week is better than great for you. Your friends will manage to take your mind off the problems at work. Be careful with any documents you sign.
Libra - Sign up for an extra class
This week is highly suitable for you to sign up for an extra class or retraining seminar. In the middle of the week, a wonderful opportunity for an advantageous deal will present itself before you. Don't forget to set aside time for romance after the work day.
Scorpio - Expect a meeting with a special person
Mid-week, Scorpios will be shaken by a meeting with a special person and if they find the courage to relax, things will turn for the better. Your desire for adventures is strong these days, which may lead you to take a short trip with friends.
Sagittarius - Expect arguments with your partner

The retrograde Mercury may lead to small misunderstandings with your partner, be sure to take on a clear position in arguments. This week, there is a potential for increasing your income, which will bring cheer to your days.
Capricorn - Your undertakings are delayed
The retrograde Mercury will lead to the delay of almost all your undertakings, despite you having the great will to finish everything you have begun. The Sun in Cancer will push you toward loved ones, whom you will see more often this week.
Aquarius - Problems in love
Your romantic relationship will take a step backwards, so it is possible for you to have problems on the love front for a wide variety of reasons. The sextile between Venus and Jupiter will lead you to fun times, especially in the middle of the week.
Pisces - A meeting with old friends
This week you may get a visit from friends or relatives that you haven't seen in a long while. The planets this week encourage creativity and learning, with the environment at home bringing you nothing but peace.