Mandalas are circles which Buddhists use to represent the Universe and they are seen as matrices of the Cosmos in these teachings. By intuitively choosing one of the depicted mandalas you can find out the strong side of your character.
1. You are a generous person with exemplary morals
Your exceptional generosity is the 1st quality that others notice. When you want to make someone happy, you don't spare any time or expenses. Your generosity is great in love as well and when you fall in love you dedicate yourself fully to your partner, having no fear that you'll be hurt. But there's also no shortage of people who take advantage of your good intentions to use you.
2. You are a loyal and sincere person
You'd never betray those closest to you and demand that they are just as loyal as you are. You believe that everyone is responsible for their actions and behavior and you aren't indifferent toward the good or bad attitude toward you. Because of your well-meaning and inborn charm you easily make new friends.

3. You are a creative individual
You are an introvert who loves to observe and reflect on the world around them. You have an incredible imagination and love to dig deep in your thoughts, completely escaping reality. But this creates a gap between you and other people, who often see you as a weirdo. Use your fantasy and express yourself in a creative way.
4. Your intuition is phenomenal
Your intuition borders on the supernatural and you can always trust it. Your dreams are also unusually accurate and you can predict events not only about yourself but also of those closest to you. To enhance this side of your character, you need to spend more time in solitude, even if others can't always understand your behavior.
5. You are an independent and brave person
You believe that when someone truly wants something, they can achieve it, relying only on their own abilities. You rarely give up on your goals and are among the few people who can say that they've made most of their dreams reality. In love you are often the dominating side and insist on your independence and freedom.
6. You are an exceptional friend
You can quickly create a connection with people because you are cheerful and friendly. You always look on the bright side of life and are irreplaceable in times of crisis. You have the ability to soothe loved ones and motivate them. The wisdom of the experience you accumulate can be an inspiration to others.