»Articles»Sound sleep

Air, for a quiet night sleep it is important to sleep in a ventilated room for fresh air....

The sound of gulls provoked dreams of the sea and beach. And that of car horns led to an uneasy sleep. These finds can help those suffering from certain psychological problems, as well as those with troubled sleep....

Air it out at least half an hour before going to bed, so that the air is fresh and pleasant and your sleep nice and sound....

Even if you do not remember, practically every story whose characters are based on information are obtained through touch, smell and sound....

The results are definitive - the human brain remains awake even while we sleep.
During sleep, certain areas of our brain remain active and react to stimuli and sounds from the surrounding environment....

"If we find out how many spindles a person can generate and discover a way to stimulate their activity, every single person will be able to sleep soundly, regardless of the noise in their surrounding environment, " Ellenbogen...

Our subconscious is triggered during sleep, and we react to hearing sounds. This means that hypnosis can affect you even when you sleep....

For a sound sleep it's also of key importance not to eat too much at dinner, not to drink alcohol, smoke or eat chocolate....

Sleep with flowers in your bedroom, if you want sweet dreams, scientists recommend, cited by Air Force....

This means that you are plenty tired to sleep soundly throughout the night, while also not feeling sleepy throughout the day....

They have the same realistic dreams like us but perceive them through sound, smell, touch and emotion....

Meditation is also another proven way to aid sleep, aid the body to relax and the mind to let go of the stress caused by day to day activities, meditation is known to aid a sound sleep, to body and mind....

Below are several interesting facts about sleep you can ponder before drifting off into sound, healthy sleep.
Just 12% of people dream in black and white....

To protect your body from toxins and allow your brain to work properly, try to set aside enough time for a sound sleep....

Past studies have shown that other types of stimuli, such as sound, pressure or vibration can have an effect on the emotional side of dreams....

Loss of excess pounds
No matter how unbelievable it may sound, we actually lose weight when we sleep. This occurs because we lose water by sweating and exhaling humid air....