»Articles»Placebo Effect
The Power of the Placebo Effect
What's remarkable about the placebo effect is that after it the health of individuals actually improves....
Stonehenge is designed for a sound illusion
If two bagpipers stand on the field and play, observers will hear an interesting sound effect.
You will get the two sound waves form many places and all the sound will be heard as the waves meet each other....
How not to overdo Feng Shui
This will turn your home into a wonderful place to welcome friends and rest ....
Crystals, Which You Can Put In Your Water Bottle
Serious scientific evidence for the benefits of this charging is difficult to be given, but the placebo effect is undoubted and sometimes this is enough to accept a practice as beneficial....
The five most inexplicable phenomenaMost bizarre is the placebo effect which isolates the sick people of the symptoms due to their belief that they have a strong medicine.
The second phenomenon is unexplained so far are the clever sensory skills....
Spiritual and Mental AlchemyThe placebo effect provides another example. In drug trials required to gain FDA approval, 40% of patients, on average, will obtain relief from placebos. They get better simply because they believe they will get better....
Energy Cleansing with Frankincense
Don't worry if you have diseases such as asthma, bronchitis or allergies - frankincense has a beneficial effect on them too....
Chestnuts Shield us from Negative Energy
Simeonova asserts that the electromagnetic field around us has a negative effect, making us more short-tempered, irritable and anxious.
"Place 3 of them in front of your computer monitor....
Blue Quartz - Properties and Meaning
The color blue is believed to have a strong energetic effect and when it comes to precious stones, the effect is undoubtedly enhanced....
Dried flowers block vital energy
Therefore, people intuitively place in their rooms, vases, pots and all sorts of greenery....
The Mystical Properties of Fluorite
If placed directly onto an affected part of the body, the fluorite has the ability to deal with the pain....
The Best Crystals for Anxiety and Stress
Many attribute crystal healing to the placebo effect. In a 2016 study, patients with low back pain who consciously took placebo pills reported 30% less pain and 29% reduction in disability....
Your Subconscious can cure you
Shamans influence the subconscious by using the known effects of a placebo. Very often people feel better simply because shaman has his hand on their head....
Asteroids, Antarctica and the exclusion Dinosaurs?
There is no other explanation as to why this took place and Prof Van der Hoeven believes it was caused by the impact. Guardian News and Media....
Healing Properties of Azurite
They put it on the injured area, because it promotes the union of the tissues in the places of broken integrity, by helping to connect them to the bone tissue....
The Mandela Effect will Make you Question your own Memories
It is unclear why so many believe in an event that never took place but this effect has been noticed in numerous other examples....