»True Stories

True Short Stories

True short stories from the users of True stories of ghosts, love, the paranormal and success. You will find spooky, paranormal and horror short stories. You too can share your story or dream with us and get advice or the interpration of your dreams.
I was murdered in my dreamI was murdered in my dream
12 Aug.
12 Aug.
Dreams about one girlDreams about one girl
11 Aug.
Angel, maybeAngel, maybeI had a dream a while back, when I was in confusion about myself and the dream was that I was following a woman through the woods and it was snowing. She had long white hair, a white gown, a white crown, and sparkling bl...
Weird Moon DreamWeird Moon DreamCan any one explain what did I see apart from biblical 2:20 the coming of the days of the lord and apocalypse. Dream: It was mid day and I was at my aunt's house. Their was some wedding funtion there with bride groom a...
Dreams that already happenedDreams that already happenedI have dreams that have happened are about stuff that have happened when i was a really little kid or i have a dream and that thing happens the next day....
I can make things heat upI can make things heat upI can make things heat up just by looking at them and make things shake by looking at them. When something really bad is about to happen I feel sick to my stomach all day until it happens what does this mean....
I was bitten by a very small small spiderI was bitten by a very small small spiderI was bitten by a very small small spider in the palm of my hand. What does that mean?...
I communicate with aliensI communicate with aliensI have been communicating with aliens since 2008. Ever since then they have put me through delusions that were in fact movies that were played live with alien actors who are actually entertainers and which I was the main...
Sleep paralysis and feeling awfulSleep paralysis and feeling awfulHi there. I wanted to share with you what happened last night while I slept in my room. In my dream, which was casual and intermittent, I heard someone mention the devil and then I woke up but could not move nor cry, I...
Strange things happened to meStrange things happened to meFor several months, strange things happen to me. I do not imagine them, but I would like to share and get your opinion. First time that one of those strange things happened to me was when I went to the kitchen for wate...
I know about things that I have not seenI know about things that I have not seenI remember something very real and my relatives confirm it as true, but it is inexplicable, as at that time I had not yet been born. I remember things in life, events, facts from 1985-1986, but how can I, as I was born...
I was sleeping, but I saw myself above the roomI was sleeping, but I saw myself above the roomMy roommate was already asleep when I got home. I went to bed at 2:00 am. How I slept I have no idea, but at one time I opened my eyes, moved aside the curtain, to get an idea of the time. I thought to get up but could n...
Strange happenings occur againStrange happenings occur againIn my other stories I mention the strange coincidence of the death of my two grandfathers in the same day, and the curse which the old woman spoke of in Greece, aimed at me. Other odd things have happened in my life si...