I know about things that I have not seen
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I remember something very real and my relatives confirm it as true, but it is inexplicable, as at that time I had not yet been born.
I remember things in life, events, facts from 1985-1986, but how can I, as I was born late 1987. Please give me an explanation, what this means and believe me I'm not joking.
I told my relatives about it and they tell me it was so, but I had not been born. They are also wondering, but not more than me.
Can you give some explanation for this?
I remember things in life, events, facts from 1985-1986, but how can I, as I was born late 1987. Please give me an explanation, what this means and believe me I'm not joking.
I told my relatives about it and they tell me it was so, but I had not been born. They are also wondering, but not more than me.
Can you give some explanation for this?

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To know this, we need to know the origin of human. According to the book of Genesis in the Bible, We humans were actually made in soul/mind which was covered by the spirit(greek word for air)body of God.
But then the spirit body was taken away by God due to Adam's sin and therefore God had to cover the naked soul/mind by skin body.
Now please understand that means in today's world...
1)our mind is like a computer and God's spirit is the Internet.
2) Our mind (computer) is still wireless connected to God's spirit (Internet.
3)So some people are connected or get connected to the spiritual world.
4) So therefore when connected to the spiritual world, we can come to know through dreams or thoughts about things that has happened or will happen.
5) I was already connected to the spiritual world since my childhood and many things used to happen for me spiritually.
6)I can read things into the spiritual world, for eg I see Elena wearing a yellow coloured dress.
Incase you all want to know more... then please write here. Thanks.