»Choosen Collections»Meaning of Diamonds and Pearls in Dreams

If you rip off the wing of a butterfly in a dream, this means that your partner intends to cheat on you....

And diamonds are a symbol of integrity and free spirit.
Some dreams the diamond appears in different colors....

If you witness 3-digit or 4-digit numbers in your dream, add them up until you get a single digit number and then look at the meaning....

If, on the other hand, you're playing with a dog in your dream and enjoying it, you're going to soon experience fun moments and the number of friends...

Seeing a baby in a dream essentially speaks of innocence and a new beginning....


The colorless representatives of this stone shine similarly to diamonds and that's why they're used as a substitute....

Visually it is very similar to diamonds. It differs in that it has double refraction and wear and dulling of the cut edges....

A folk tradition states that to dream of alexandrite means to fight for progress and success in life....

If you see a lot of books in your dream, such as an entire library, this indicates that soon you'll be talking with a whole bunch of people and you'll...

To find out why you dreamt of a specific person, think about what exactly connects you with them and what has occurred in their life recently....

If you dream of a ghost at home and you ask it a question, its answer is the meaning of the dream....

If you dream of a hurricane and large streams of water, this bespeaks of serious changes in your life to come....

If you catch a carp in your dream, this means that your hopes and dreams will not come true any time soon....
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