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The human brain shrinksThe human brain shrinks
23 Feb.
Therefore, using a lot less brain power than previously when humanity had to hunt to survive....
Sleep clears the brainSleep clears the brain
02 Feb.
According to them, sleep is a time when the brain puts in order all the information and eliminates the unnecessary....
Mysteries of the human brainMysteries of the human brain
17 June
There is a theory that the mechanism of brain activity leads to workings of something outside the human body. Thus, just switch your brain that receives signals and transmits them....
Proven: Reading Books Alters the BrainProven: Reading Books Alters the Brain
14 Jan.
Throughout the entire time, their brain activity was carefully monitored using special instruments....
Divination by the Pythagorean SystemDivination by the Pythagorean System
29 July
Numerology is among one of the most widespread mystical beliefs and traditions of the esoteric link between man and numbers. The digit values, besides being a part of mathematics, become a part of astrology and enter into...
Immortality Will be Possible by Uploading our Brains Into ComputersImmortality Will be Possible by Uploading our Brains Into Computers
13 Oct.
Scientists believe they'll be able to use technological singularity in the future to convert a person's brain into digital data and upload it into an exceptionally powerful computer....
The Brain Ages Due to Lack of SleepThe Brain Ages Due to Lack of Sleep
10 July
These data were obtained from research by Singaporean scientists, who have reached the conclusion that sleep has a direct influence on brain activity....
Want to Predict the Future? Your Brain Can!Want to Predict the Future? Your Brain Can!
07 July
According to the researchers, this proves that the human brain is not only able to foresee the future, it also works in tandem with its past experience....
The Ouija Board is Controlled by the Collective UnconsciousThe Ouija Board is Controlled by the Collective Unconscious
30 Mar.
If the planchette points to the sun it means the spirit is benign but if it points to the moon it means it is evil and the word Goodbye must be repeated until the planchette itself points to Goodbye on the board....
The Memories Our Brain Gets Rid of During SleepThe Memories Our Brain Gets Rid of During Sleep
30 Mar.
Even in that state the human brain still burns about 20% of the calories we take in....
The Misconceptions about Satan, Created by Pop CultureThe Misconceptions about Satan, Created by Pop Culture
21 Oct.
There's many theories about what or who the Devil is, even among believers. The number of various sources and translations has led to many discrepancies, rumors and suppositions concerning the Prince of Darkness. However...
We May Become Immortal by the Year 2050!We May Become Immortal by the Year 2050!
17 Feb.
According to him, toward mid-century humans will have the ability to plug their brains into computers specially designed for the purpose....
Shocking Crimes from the Past, Revealed by ArchaeologistsShocking Crimes from the Past, Revealed by Archaeologists
04 Nov.
Despite the idealized images from the past presented in our history books, the truth is that Antiquity and the Middle Ages were savage times, times of blood and horror, where being impaled on a spike or strung up...
Unbelievably Accurate Prediction about the Future Takes the Internet by StormUnbelievably Accurate Prediction about the Future Takes the Internet by Storm
02 Feb.
In 1995, astrophysicist Carl Sagan published his book The Demon-Haunted World where he made predictions about what Earth would be like 20 years in the future. Incredibly, what he said in the 90s has been confirmed today...
The 4 Stress Responses That Occur in the Brain When We Wake SuddenlyThe 4 Stress Responses That Occur in the Brain When We Wake Suddenly
10 July
Waking up suddenly (hypnic jerk) damages our brain and entire body in more ways than you can imagine....
Our Brain Likes FriendsOur Brain Likes Friends
10 Apr.
An encephalogram was made during the tests, which registered the activity of the studied area of the brain....
Over 5000 Languages to Disappear by the Year 2115Over 5000 Languages to Disappear by the Year 2115
12 Jan.
A group of American scientists claims that by about the year 2115, more than 5000 languages will be extinct. They've estimated that by then, of the approximately 6000 languages spoken on Earth, more than 5000 will have...
The Dinosaurs Were Killed Off by Mysterious Dark MatterThe Dinosaurs Were Killed Off by Mysterious Dark Matter
11 Aug.
A new hypothesis for the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs has ruffled some feathers in the scientific world. The book Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe develops the theory...
A Dose of LSD a Day Gives the Human Brain SuperpowersA Dose of LSD a Day Gives the Human Brain Superpowers
19 May
Their brain activity was photographed using 3 different techniques....
Folk Beliefs: Predicting the Weather By Looking at the Air, Rainbow and DewFolk Beliefs: Predicting the Weather By Looking at the Air, Rainbow and Dew
07 Apr.
Since the dawn of mankind, humans have found that the weather plays an exceptionally important role in their lives. It determines whether the year is going to be a fruitful one or on the contrary - whether starvation and...
Proven! Meditation Improves Brain FunctionProven! Meditation Improves Brain Function
17 Nov.
In the volunteers who did not meditate, there were no changes in brain structure. According to Dr....
What We Need to Finish by the End of 2014What We Need to Finish by the End of 2014
08 Oct.
According to the Eastern calendar, the coming 2015 will be the year of the Blue Wooden Goat, which will not have a positive influence on certain aspects of life. From an astrological standpoint, several crisis events are...
NASA: the First Humans Will be on Mars By 2035NASA: the First Humans Will be on Mars By 2035
04 July
Dr. Ellen Stofan, Chief Scientist of NASA, announced to the British newspaper Daily Mail, that the first people will land on Mars by 2035. The first astronauts will be sent to the Red Planet during 2030 and it is expected...
Predictions of What`s to Come by the Year 2050Predictions of What`s to Come by the Year 2050
11 May
The future is an unpredictable notion. But not always. There are many ways, although quite laborious, that can show us what we can expect in the near and far future. Predicting what will happen is no easy task considering...
Indian Man Sleeping in the Street Swallowed by a PythonIndian Man Sleeping in the Street Swallowed by a Python
03 Dec.
An Indian man, drunk to unconsciousness, was eaten whole by a giant python, after having fallen asleep on the street near a store, where he wanted to buy more alcohol. It is presumed that the man arrived at the closed...